A Mind Gone Awry - Hells Masquerade

Somber and frivolous. Uncanny how these words now describe me in the most complex of ways.

This is my diary of self exploration, observation, realization and introspection.

Everything happens for a reason.

My favorite diaries:

UnSentLetter profile - diary
comments: Many eyes whom the words were written for but will never see.
GirlSuicide profile - diary
comments: "snowflakes flutter like dust butterflies, undecided, refined, material caterpillars, melting on a black sleeve on a frozen tear drop."
BreakTheDark profile - diary
comments: "The room was like an open womb No seeming end to the spindly outstretch of darkness, eyes immune, the metallic heartbeat of the clock, ticking, breaking the stale air My breath suspended again."
Puppet-666 profile - diary
comments: "Suffocating pressure crushes my brain Through eternity I must endure Only one I waited the darkest midnights for"
JadedMoss profile - diary
comments: "I cry when I hear the lament of the earth. I know this is wrong, I want to right it. But as we build upon this place and create sores better known as cities that infest and tunnel into the soul of something I know not of, I find it beautiful"
His-Holiness profile - diary
comments: "Fuck you San Francisco! Fuck the rotten, syphilitic, European pricks that killed the natives and stole their lands and cultures. Fuck the rotten whores running that city. Fuck the rotten whores who designed it. Fuck the pall of evil that shadows it.
KristinHank profile - diary
comments: "happiness looks good on you, honey. you should wear it on your face more often. i would put it there if i could, but my newness has worn down to bare bones common. there's no novelty left. you often make that clear."
TheIdiotKing profile - diary
comments: "This is a new one. Much like the old one. Remember last year? It was the same as this year... My tears won't fall - haven't fallen in ages. I'm starting to think that this is what a river feels like when it's run dry."
LifeDoesThat profile - diary
comments: "The other day I walked into my shrink's home-based office, took off my boots, and settled into the couch across from her worn easy chair...I sat in this hurting and healing room, alone for a moment with the throw pillows and cats..."
DecemberDays profile - diary
comments: "Every single day was like every single other And every morning it was harder to get up The days began to blend together and mold into a skeleton A skull full of Mondays And feet packed of Saturdays"
FloggingMe23 profile - diary
comments: "...i'd rather hurt myself than you anyways. so welcome back this mask i hid for so long, dust it off and strap it on. good morning moon, it's been so long. don't miss me while i'm gone."
DailyComic profile - diary
comments: No quote. It is what it is, daily comics to satisfy your comic need.
It-Is profile - diary
comments: "You leave me craving so much more than your presence on paper. I want the real you next to me so I can hold on to you with all my strength and never let you go. I will chain myself to you in protest... as long as I can feel your heartbeat"
Pulse-Tone profile - diary
comments: "You need wings for the highs, and the lows are scraping bottom. But you�ve scraped bottom so long, that all your feathers fell off and when you catch a gust to freedom, you only get so far as the sun."
Dicentra profile - diary
comments: "Out from my mothers eyes into the mirror, shocked at the sudden appearance of wrinkles and darkness, as if my/her eyes are held open by the sheer will of continued life."
Kex profile - diary
comments: "even being squeezed by a sheet tightly under my bed awaiting the swift sounds of his feet dragging down the hallway when no one was home was remotely okay, as long as there was always an ending to it. "
AQuietBoy profile - diary

My favorite music:

Linkin Park
comments: "All I want to do is be more like me and be less like you."
Nine Inch Nails
comments: "In this place it seems like such a shame. Though it all looks different now, I know it's still the same. Everywhere I look you're all I see. Just a fading fucking reminder of who I used to be."
Simon Wilcox
comments: "We're sitting in the SUVvie And you say, "I'm glad you finally talked to me. Everything is spinning around, can we just slow down?" Well, ever since I met you, all I wanted was to be your friend..."
comments: No explanation necessary. Fur Elise, Moonlight Sonata, Ode to Joy...

My favorite movies:

The Village
comments: "If I want to speak, I will open my mouth and speak. Everyone is forever plaguing me to speak further. Why? What gain can rise from my telling you the only time I feel fear as others do is when I think of you in harm?"
The Crow
comments: "A building gets torched. All that is left is ashes. I used to think that was true about everything-families, friends, feelings. But now I know, if love proves real, two people who are meant to be together-nothing can keep them apart."
Under the Tuscan Sun
comments: "L'amore e cieco... Love is blind, we have that saying, too... Everybody has that saying because it's true everywhere."
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
comments: "I wish I'd stayed too. Now I wish I'd stayed. I wish I'd done a lot of things. Oh God, I wish I had-I wish I'd stayed. I do."
comments: "Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore. Game over."

My favorite authors:

Edgar Allan Poe
comments: "In visions of the dark night I have dreamed of joy departed-But a waking dream of life and light Hath left me broken hearted. Ah! what is not a dream by day to him whose eyes are cast, on things around him with a ray, turned back upon the past"

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last updated: 2005-09-08 11:33:02
this user's total entries: 107
user since: 2005-01-08

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