Not-So-Domestic Goddess

I'm 23 going on 35. I juggle the roles of housewife, mom, and dreamer.

My favorite diaries:

Piotr profile - diary
comments: This is Pete....what else can I say?
Starletmit profile - diary
comments: Jess and I have been friends forever and have the same dreams
Tennisdiva profile - diary
comments: Theresa is an example to all us diary-writers
hertinyhands profile - diary
comments: The stories of two precious girls
Mrcleanluver profile - diary
alainabelle profile - diary
comments: A new diary I found. Hope can be found in the darkest places.
zuzus-petals profile - diary
Lerin profile - diary
comments: My diaryland Love

My favorite music:

Something Corporate
comments: I never thought I'd find a band that put my days to music...
comments: Classic
comments: She is an inspiration to us all.....even with a flat chest, she's still hott
Elton John
comments: I adore him
comments: NO Day but TODAY

My favorite movies:

comments: Pikies rule.
Life is Beautiful
comments: This movie brings light to even the darkest of subjects
comments: I love little French girls
Pirates of the Caribbean
comments: Savvy?
Sin City and Pulp Fiction
comments: Nothing says "cool" like gangsters killing eachother

My favorite authors:

Agatha Christe
comments: Nothing grabs my attention better then murder mysteries
J.K Rowling
comments: Is it totally horrible that I am 21 and obsessed with Harry Potter?
Edgar Allen Poe
Robert Frost
Jane Austen
comments: I have to admit I ignored my family for two whole days while I was soaked in Pride and Prejudice

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last updated: 2009-09-30 18:00:12
this user's total entries: 578
user since: 2002-12-07

AOL IM name: BL0ndyd0ll
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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