Neurotic Quirky Nerd

I wish I can update my profile without an error message :(

My favorite diaries:

Atwowaydream profile - diary
Vxxen profile - diary
Cherrygash profile - diary
Valasaurus profile - diary
Myf-nlife profile - diary
Burntpenguin profile - diary
Silentpoetry profile - diary

My favorite music:

J. Cole
comments: "Dear Mrs. bill collector/I know you just doing your job/Don't mean to disrespect ya/But we been going through this thing since way back/I told you when I get the dough I would pay back"
Royce Da 5'9
comments: One of the best rappers ever. "As far as killin I�m forever willing and ready/I will make my children�s peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a machete"
comments: I dont care what anyone says. I fucking LOVE this bitch. She may be loose and out there but shes her and doesn't give a fuck. I respect that honesty.
comments: Never liked her first album but 21 is the shit.
Christina Aguilera
comments: "All I wanna do is fuck your body" Heart her!

My favorite movies:

Easy A
comments: "Relax. Jesus. What is with you gays? Are you really that repulsed by lady parts? What do you think I have down there? A gnome?"
Love & Basketball
comments: One of my faves. Sanaa Lathan is that chick!
Confessions of a Shopaholic
comments: It was funny and cute and I can relate how she reasons with herself when shes spending money. :)
Brown Sugar
comments: Another all time fave. Also got my girl Sanaa in it :)

My favorite authors:

Dean Koontz
comments: "False Memory"= all time fave. Digging the "Frankenstein" series. Hes just so badass.
Eric Jerome Dickey
comments: 'Sleeping With Strangers' was pretty good. 'Waking with Enemies' was really sexual, almost didnt fit with the first one. Hes still a really cool author...
Bebe Moore Campbell
comments: 'What You Owe Me' is my all time fave. I've read it like 1000 times.
Sister Souljah
comments: "Only some Black American fools could stop and think and then come up with the idea that being in the gang means wearing the same colors, dressing up the same like a bunch of fucking cheerleaders..."~'MIDNIGHT'
Jeffery Deaver(?)
comments: James Patterson...John Standford...Alex Kava...Laurell K Hamilton...Terri McMillian(?)...Lisa Unger...Carl Weber...Tammy Hoag...MaryJanice Davidson...Tracy Brown...Kyra Davis

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last updated: 2021-08-29 22:39:45
this user's total entries: 478
user since: 2007-08-16

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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