
so what do you want to know about me?? the basics... i'm a wife, mom, daughter, and friend. if you want to know anything of importance, just ask. its not hard.

My favorite diaries:

cats77 profile - diary
comments: a long lost friend i found again. ;)
soulbreaking profile - diary
damik profile - diary
rockstarsyd profile - diary
soulepiphany profile - diary
fireflyez76 profile - diary
comments: finally, someone else understands the mom thing.
triplecancer profile - diary
comments: one of the best friends i could ever, EVER ask for. gretchen is my soul sister.

My favorite music:

3 Doors Down
comments: I love the lyrics, the music, and the singers voice. I LOVE this group.
Sarah McLachlan
comments: And Fiona Apple, Natalie Merchant, Michelle Branch, Pink, Sheryl Crow, etc. Women have powerful voices. We have things to say.
comments: I can't say I like all of his songs but I like a lot of them. I like that he doesn't care what he says, whether he means it or not, and doesn't care if it shocks the world.
John Mayer
comments: Anyone who sings a song like "Your Body is a Wonderland" should be recognized.
comments: And Puddle of Mudd, Linkin Park, Fuel, Nirvana, Unwritten Law... all for the lyrics, music, and voices.

My favorite movies:

Trapped In Paradise
comments: A comedy that a lot of people haven't heard of, but it makes me laugh and laugh every time.
Empire Records
comments: I don't care if I AM 27 or not, I still love this movie.
There's Something About Mary
comments: Also, The Sweetest Thing and My Best Friends Wedding. I think Cameron Diaz is a wonderful actress.
comments: I can only imagine how Susan Sarandon's character feels. I always both laugh and cry at this movie.
Legally Blonde
comments: Here On Earth, The Wedding Planner, She's the One, A Walk In The Clouds, Hope Floats, ... so on....

My favorite authors:

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diaryrings which apiscesgirl belongs to
diaries which list apiscesgirl as a favorite diary
last updated: 2003-02-11 09:34:19
this user's total entries: 12
user since: 2003-01-24

AOL IM name: amethyst0227
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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