

My favorite diaries:

sopheline profile - diary
comments: Rakastaa sua <3
bipolarchick profile - diary
comments: "I was trying to be more mature than he was being, by not screaming and crying and flailing my arms like a woman scorned."
herdarlinsin profile - diary
comments: A million magenta colored cornholders pale in comparison to the words of this bright pink lazy daffodil in the midday heat of a distant, lively desert sandstorm. Groovy baby.
taik profile - diary
comments: "don't like skittles but i'd like to taste the rainbow in chocolate form"
feysuicides profile - diary
comments: Come for the banner, stay for the Manson. Fabulous with a cool layout as well :D
deadthyme profile - diary
comments: Makes my day. Happyface.
phatgrrl profile - diary
comments: She used to call me and sing Like A Stone by Audioslave on karaoke night. Good times.
spazzin profile - diary
comments: Maybe You Were Hopelessly Off Running to Eternity
a-z-a profile - diary
comments: I hang on her every word -we're HIMsluts-
luxlust profile - diary
comments: Mmmmm knife throwing. *locked!*
egoslap profile - diary
comments: let the knife throwing continue
starlight99 profile - diary
comments: Goddess
darkcoldmind profile - diary
comments: "what an abyssual existance I lead."
sadistboo profile - diary
comments: wicky wicky. (Your head ASPLODE)
angrybuddha profile - diary
comments: A sweetheart who's travelled the world.
cocksucker69 profile - diary
comments: He's fabulous, fantastic, fuckable, and fun.
silent-songs profile - diary
comments: Em always has the coolest templates.
ravynespeaks profile - diary
comments: Awesome but disappeared.
denny86 profile - diary
wyin profile - diary
comments: made my template a long time ago
deconstrukt profile - diary
comments: made the best diaryland templates, ever.
camerahead profile - diary
comments: Laria
andthoughts profile - diary
waldon profile - diary
ville profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: Jim put me on the guest list but I was too chicken to go. I stalked him for 6 years.
comments: "I woke the same as any other day you know I should have stayed in bed" Kerj��j��
comments: Got caught by The Security Troll twice trying to get backstage. Threw a pack of cigs onstage which hit Mige in the shoulder. Held a sign that Mige and Valo pointed at.
M�tley Cr�e
comments: Broke two knuckles hitting a security guard at their show. Got 3 feet away from Nikki Sixx. They didn't play Save Our Souls, it broke my heart.
comments: Seeing Tom Keifer play Don't Know What You Got ('Til It's Gone) acoustic makes it all okay.

My favorite movies:

The Crow
comments: "Victims, *pulls out knife* aren't we all?"
Pretty In Pink
comments: Don't ask. My favorite song is at the end.
Counte Of Monte Cristo
comments: It'll put a smile on your face if you know what its like to be fuct over by someone.
Rock Star
comments: Follow your dreams baby, because we all die young.
Dark Knight
comments: The Mist, Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, SubUrbia, Beetlejuice, Drive Me Crazy, Crybaby, Empire Records, Ten Things I Hate About You

My favorite authors:

Edgar Allan Poe
comments: We were forced to read The Telltale Heart in school when we were about 10. It scared the hell out of most of us but I was intrigued.
Poppy Z. Brite
comments: I swear to bloody hell and back I can write better than this chick. I liked Exquisite Corpse though.
Lex Killington
comments: When I was 16 I wrote a book under this name. It's scary.
Anne Rice
comments: Taltos is terrible. I've been reading it for six hundred and sixty six years.
H.P. Lovecraft
comments: The Ancient Track.

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last updated: 2015-06-26 14:03:48
this user's total entries: 523
user since: 2002-05-07

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