"And I have no religion, and I don't know what's what..."

I already hate you. But don't get offended, because it's a start.

I like my job and my friends, I also like generally being a misanthrope all around. I get underway for the US Coast Guard for months at a time, so if this doesn't get updated often, well you know why now.

Also, this page is strictly to let me know how much ass I kick.

My favorite diaries:

greenfinch profile - diary
comments: We're going to start a porno site. It's going to be people fucking in designer clothes.
longexposure profile - diary
comments: Word to your mother. Leslie rocks. Even though she made me sign up for a girls diary website.
christini profile - diary
comments: Don't know her that well, but I *do* know she's way cool and likes my Japanese gambling machine.
dr-decadence profile - diary
comments: This is Justin, he used to be digitaljesus, which is a cooler name, cuz' then i could say I know Jesus, and Jesus can *dance*.
bleeperwack profile - diary
comments: This is Christine too. She's gonna be a masseuse.
elvish-gypsy profile - diary
comments: She added me so I added her, plus she makes music.
magnaplasm profile - diary
comments: My archnemesis from the airforce. I could so kick is airforce ass. But I still like him anyway.
startfalling profile - diary
comments: She says things a lot like me, except in a girl way.
long-ignored profile - diary
comments: Wistfully beautiful.
bonkrood profile - diary
comments: Doorknob spelled backwards. Come on people, did I really have to point that out?
laurat profile - diary
comments: Even though she seems to be the butt of a lot jokes, I think she's just swell.
nurseyer profile - diary
comments: I have to admit... a sometimes shockingly honest diary.
dietpeppers2 profile - diary
comments: It's sort of strange to think that just plain ol' dietpeppers was taken.
frijid-pink profile - diary
comments: A nice girl, and down on herself far too often. Cheer up emo kid!
paulyhappy profile - diary
comments: From effing Bangkok, Thailand. How cool is that?
the-brends profile - diary
comments: The-Brends can run 3 1/2 miles at least. I can't. I have the black lung.
talk- profile - diary
comments: Seems to like A Nightmare Before Christmas. Which is creepily cool.
eyeclamp profile - diary
comments: Aside from sounding painful, I can't get into this diary. No really, it's got a password.
ramble-on profile - diary
comments: Another hyphenated diary. Tough to keep track of names, as the names are all improper nouns. Or something. I dunno, I got a 'C' in English.
arianrhad profile - diary
comments: I'm a bibliophile too. Maybe there should be a support group, or intervention or something. Just as soon as I figure out how to say that damn name.
elysium1982 profile - diary
comments: I rarely add people to my favorites who haven't added me first. Only because I'm lazy, but this would've been a nice one to find.
daze-of-rain profile - diary
comments: She's familiar for some reason...

My favorite music:

comments: Achtung! They're classic baby.
The Flaming Lips
comments: Listen to The Soft Bulletin, then you'll understand.
comments: Fuckin' groovy.
David Bowie
comments: This guy wrote loveletters to his alter egos. I think that about covers it.
Johnny Cash
comments: He invented cool. Not trendy cool. *Cool* cool.

My favorite movies:

Donnie Darko
comments: Best. Movie. Ever.
SLC Punk
comments: Thanks Leslie for showing me this one. I fucking love it.
28 Days Later
comments: What's that you say? A social commentary disguised as a horror flick?
The Truman Show
comments: I love how everyone always has something to say about the great acting, and completely choose not to notice the fact that it's a raised middle finger to God. Just great!
American Beauty
comments: Somehow, the title has no sarcasm in it at all.

My favorite authors:

J. D. Salinger
comments: Catcher in the Rye. You could probably tell I like this one.
Joseph Heller
comments: Catch 22. Maybe you'd have to be in the military to fully appreciate this book.
John C. Wright
comments: The Golden Age. It's a modern classic, fool.
Herman Hesse
comments: Demien. This book is transcendental.
Alex Garland
comments: The beach. Read it, bitch.

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last updated: 2005-08-02 01:41:18
this user's total entries: 0
user since: 2004-03-05

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