
My favorite diaries:

Weatherking profile - diary
comments: He's the inspiration for my own journal. Really.
Sparroe profile - diary
comments: This ain't no ancient culture.
Speedway profile - diary
comments: I have a weird thing for Canadian melodrama.
Girlwander profile - diary
Kiss-a-frog profile - diary
Treedancer profile - diary
Mischief profile - diary
Shortst101 profile - diary
Edickinson profile - diary
Boodles profile - diary
Redniko profile - diary
Jakoshadows profile - diary
SquirrelX profile - diary
McClain profile - diary
Touch-and-Go profile - diary
Lunargoose profile - diary
Fuctor profile - diary
Cathieanne profile - diary
TVLand profile - diary
Captvfirefly profile - diary
Snoozer profile - diary
Psianina profile - diary
Girlboy profile - diary
Evangeline profile - diary
Chloeishere profile - diary
Lisse profile - diary
janland profile - diary
smartypants profile - diary
echoman profile - diary

My favorite music:

Guns 'n Roses
comments: I have a cardboard cut-out of Slash in my living room. He watches over me, sort of like Jesus. But with more bourbon.
David Bowie
comments: He was in Labyrinth AND Basquiat. How can you argue with that?
Concrete Blonde
comments: Shit oh my shit! They're back together!
comments: One time I saw Sponge live, and Vinnie jumped off the stage and knocked over all the chairs on the lawn. It was hysterical.
Gin Blossoms
comments: I saw them the same time I saw Sponge. Robin Wilson waved at me. I swear. Also, only being able to list 5 bands is stupid.

My favorite movies:

Jim Jarmusch
comments: Yeah, these aren't films, they're directors. Suck on it. Ghost Dog and Dead Man are both mindblowing.
Ingmar Bergman
comments: Max von Sydow playing chess with Death in the Seventh Seal us the epitome of film-making. Wild Strawberries is also excellent. Persona is a little sketchy.
Darren Aronofsky
comments: But only for Pi. I thought Requiem for a Dream sucked.
Kevin Smith
comments: My nod to pop culture. My favorite, for the record, is Chasing Amy.
Tim Burton
comments: You know what? The only movie that has without fail made me cry every single time I've seen it is Edward Scissorhands. Aside from that, Beetlejuice, Batman, and The Nightmare Before Christmas are all pretty fun.

My favorite authors:

Brian Daley
comments: The most underrated author of all time. One of a scant few to be admitted into the Star Wars canon by George Lucas himself, for writing the script for the npr radio dramatization for all three movies. And his original stuff is phenomenal. Read it. Now
Terry Pratchett
comments: The Discworld books freakin' rule. I'm can't stop reading them. If anyone's carrying on in Douglas Adams' footsteps, it's Pratchett.
C. S. Lewis
comments: Not just the Narnia books. His theology and literary criticism are wonderful too.
George MacDonald
comments: Taught C. S. Lewis everything he knows. MacDonald does things with Christian symbolism that would make a Gnostic blush.
William Blake
comments: Oh my fucking God. Blake is so far out there, and so brilliant. Read Northrop Frye to make Blake make sense.

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last updated: 2004-09-22 20:47:13
this user's total entries: 415
user since: 2002-09-30

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