Cadwaladr, King of Gwynedd

I'm not really the king of anything. I thought I was boring, but people told me not to say that. They like me for some reason. Think I'm interesting. Well, at least you don't have to.

My favorite diaries:

broken-boy profile - diary
comments: So much like me. He pours out his feelings, and I read them and think, I remember when I felt things, and I felt the same way. Ah, memories.
dizboy profile - diary
comments: He's quite funny.
paco758 profile - diary
comments: Now, this one's really funny. Smart as hell too, it seems, what with the Latin-studying in college.
dreamingboy profile - diary
comments: Insane. In the Membrane. Loco en el coco. I may be in love.
jeff240 profile - diary
comments: He is intelligent and thoughtful and insightful and a hell of a good writer.
gayduck profile - diary
comments: He is sad and happy and odd, and I like how he writes.
cocksucker69 profile - diary
comments: Fucking brilliant
greenteacup profile - diary
comments: She's cooler than I was at her age
nerimon profile - diary

My favorite music:

J. S. Bach
comments: Bach isn't a band, but, well, they don't have a spot for favourite baroque composer, so there it is.
Sex Pistols
comments: "Well, we're not that fucking bad after all, are we?" --Johnny
comments: Violins kick ass.
Victor Jara
comments: "Juntos iremos, unidos en la sangre, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amen."
comments: "Im seriously afraid to touch myself." �Kurt

My favorite movies:

The Kid Brother
comments: You gotta love Harold Lloyd. Go find this movie if you can. I know anything from the 20's other than Chaplin or Keaton is hard to find, but this is worth it.
Lord of the Rings
comments: Elijah Wood is so damn cute! The movie kicks ass, too. Sir Ian McKellan is, well, he's indescribably good. And Gollum, did Serkis get an oscar for that? I don't remember, but he should have.
comments: I just saw this on the big screen a while ago. Bogey is brilliant, and who can help but love Ingrid Bergman?
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
comments: Mmm, I loves me some bluegrass. And that song, "The Big Rock Candy Mountain," how could anyone not love that song?
Life as a House
comments: Well, Part of it I liked because I'm a carpenter, part of it I liked because Hayden Christensen is so damn cute, but most of it I liked because it's a really good movie. The DVD commentary is pretty good too.

My favorite authors:

Herman Melville
comments: Moby Dick is the best novel ever. It's got action, adventure, drama, comedy, an old cook yelling at sharks, cetology, and a whole chapter about rope. Who could ask for more?
William Shakespeare
comments: He is the greatest poet who ever lived. What more can I say? Don't read him. Go see the plays live.
David Sedaris
comments: Well, I do like guys. However, I don't think Jesus ever shaved.
Annie Proulx
comments: Close Range: Wyoming Stories. They kick ass.
Steven Saylor
comments: Ancient Roman murder mysteries. Need I say more? If you are at all interested in ancient Roman society or culture, or if you like mysteries, read Roman Blood.

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last updated: 2010-03-22 16:19:09
this user's total entries: 468
user since: 2003-05-19

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