Daily ramblings

I'm 38, married, and a gramma. I am employed as a Public Safety Dispatcher, which means I deal with idiots on a daily basis, not just at home, but at work too.

I'm currently in an ongoing battle with the evil Lord Fat, and have conquered 1/2 of my massive weight loss goals.

I'm liable to rant on just about anything.

Deal with it.

My favorite diaries:

kitchenlogic profile - diary
weetabix profile - diary
trinity63 profile - diary
unclebob profile - diary
comments: DS5
marn profile - diary
kitchenlite profile - diary
bisa-pet profile - diary
comments: DS5
smirkwood profile - diary
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saxyjackclar profile - diary
comments: DS5
cosmicrayola profile - diary
comments: DS5
genghis-jon profile - diary
comments: DS5
kiss-a-frog profile - diary
comments: DS5
pushpull profile - diary
comments: DS5
odalisk profile - diary
comments: DS5
Jason75 profile - diary
comments: DS5
mousepoet profile - diary
comments: DS5
verucaamish profile - diary
comments: DS5
grouse profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: best concert I have ever gone to, and that's saying a lot!
comments: classic

My favorite movies:

comments: Loved em both, can't wait till Dec 17
Harry Potters
comments: Adorable. Can watch again and again. Just make them faster, before the kids grow beyond the characters ages!
Steel Magnolias
comments: Makes me cry everytime
Practical Magic
comments: gotta love Aidan Quinn yummmmmmmmm
Moulin Rouge
comments: Who knew Ewan could sing? Sounds pretty good after a glass of absinthe!

My favorite authors:

Nicholas Sparks
comments: Read all his books - simple love stories that just touch the heart
Left behind series
comments: Some consider them trash or biblical silliness, I find them entertaining
Stephen King
comments: always the master and Dean Koontz - another master
JK Rowling
comments: I am a Potter addict!
Anne Rice
comments: she's just so plain odd, I can't help myself

leave a note for call911
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diaries which list call911 as a favorite diary
last updated: 2004-10-15 10:10:54
this user's total entries: 194
user since: 2003-02-23

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MSN Messenger name: email me if you want it - we'll talk

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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