Bleeding Student

Don't be fooled.

Some little girls will hurt you...

My favorite diaries:

sumofparts profile - diary
comments: She is my bestest friend and she lives sooooo far awaaaaaayyyy!
puddingspoon profile - diary
comments: He never f^@~#%g writes. And I love him anyway.
ceciliaruns profile - diary
comments: Howdy, neighbor.
lovejunky profile - diary
comments: He wrenches my heart and then he laughs and everything's ok again.
kristoferrbn profile - diary
comments: none of my friends write in their damn journals.
drclenurism profile - diary
comments: He doesn't, either.
chauffi profile - diary
comments: Bitter and lonely in Utah. I welcome him to the club. :)
chaosorder profile - diary
comments: She droops her eyes closed and rests her chin over her paws, and she doesn't know all the things that her person is doing and thinking and worrying and foregoing, and she doesn't know what her person can do for her, but it's okay.
emperorincxt profile - diary
comments: Have I not given you everything already?
sundaygirl profile - diary
comments: currently seething at an alarming rate. this must be some kind of record.
thayer-p profile - diary
comments: Civil disobedience
campemma profile - diary
comments: fuck their magazine subscriptions and patio furniture and dayplanners and children's soccer leagues. fuck skymiles. and to hell with remodeling, weekend getaways, ipods, aromatherapy, giving paperweights as gifts. the whole thing is a fucking sham.

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

comments: You know, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities is my favorite book ever.
B. Kingsolver
comments: I love her. Even if she WAS chosen for Oprah's book list.
comments: I have a paperback of three of his tragedies in my bag right this minute.

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last updated: 2006-09-06 22:09:57
this user's total entries: 609
user since: 2003-03-27

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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