ma vie en riz

I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you read bounces off me and sticks to you.

My favorite diaries:

swilkes profile - diary
comments: ...unapologetically erudite
dyna-tagout profile - diary
comments: ...super space nerd
milkmonkey profile - diary
comments: ...hip mama
riatsala profile - diary
comments: ...dandy
inkwell profile - diary
comments: ...groovy Boston guy
lisamcc profile - diary
comments: ...rock star
t-square profile - diary
comments: ...formerly victimized, currently super-sweet!
domdisko profile - diary
comments: ...sweeter than sugar, cuter than pie
doidare profile - diary
comments: ...local flavor
oneblackbird profile - diary
comments: ...insightful and frightful
una-sorella profile - diary
comments: cutey Smith little sis
kats profile - diary
comments: ...punk-ass archivist
sugardrawers profile - diary
comments: ...oldest bestest friend in the whole wide world
insilico profile - diary
comments:, witty ether-boy
peth profile - diary
comments: ...wallpaper designer
mitsou profile - diary
comments: ...missing in action, missing her terribly
eyesonthesky profile - diary
comments: ...will rise again
spunkygypsy profile - diary
comments: ...grad student in the female arts
dishery profile - diary
comments: ...notes from a parallel universe
ninapetrovna profile - diary
comments: smart, cool, articulate neighbor
othelladub profile - diary
comments: ...Maxim magazine, but girl-friendly
tashkent profile - diary
comments: ...has probably eaten osh

My favorite music:

The Aislers Set
comments: hello all my friends, can I have a whiskey 'cause I won't drive far anyway...i listen to mary's song every stinking day and i love it
Neutral Milk Hotel
comments: I've got Jeff Mangum Fever and I don't want any medicine
Le Monde du Stephin Merritt
comments: I want a gay boyfriend
David Garza
comments: Smooth like Silk Chocolate Soymilk. Only sexier.
comments: like spinning around in a dryer wearing only a sheet of Bounce

My favorite movies:

Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
comments: J'adore Amelie!
Love and Other Catastrophes
comments: Charming Aussie flick about fleeting collegiate romance.
all Wes Anderson filmage
comments: "he's removed his shoes and one sock..." and he went to UT.
all of Hal Hartley's movies
comments: MARTIN DONOVAN. and all that heady shit that I love. and they're so '90s. yay.
Harold and Maude
comments: Maude's a Buddhist and I think I know Harold from somewhere...

My favorite authors:

I Envy The Published!
comments: Sad, sick, and stupid, yes, but recently I have enjoyed
Tom Robbins
comments: "Jitterbug Perfume," the enjoyment of life and pleasure, extreme longevity, and beets
David Sedaris
comments: "sitting down to a large Greek meal three times a day became a practice akin to packing a musket."
Douglas Coupland
comments: made me love the future
Elinor Lipman
comments: fun and beachy reads by my former writing mentor

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last updated: 2004-04-07 13:21:05
this user's total entries: 564
user since: 2001-07-11

AOL IM name: bowlofmo
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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