I'm a 22 year old female from the US. I am a huge fan of 60s-70s British rock and roll.

No, my name is not Elijah...long story.

My favorite diaries:

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comments: Bonnie!
diaryofawit profile - diary
comments: My camp experiences...not very interesting. I didn't do a very good job of explaining things at the time.

My favorite music:

The Rolling Stones
comments: KEEF!!!!!!!!! Stray Cat Blues, Sweet Virginia, Ventilator Blues, damn great.
The Kinks
comments: Ray and Dave Davies! Sweeeeet. Alcohol, Death of a Clown, (Wish I Could Fly) Like Superman, etc...EPIC.
The Beatles
comments: Classic.
Small Faces
Keith Richards
comments: KEEEEEEFFFFFFF. THE RIFFMASTER. The guy can't get any more cool. Talk is Cheap and Main Offender are great albums.

My favorite movies:

comments: Matthew Broderick, Ally Sheedy, the cold war, a really old computer and tic tac toe. Pretty awesome.
Star Wars
comments: Mark Hamill, hell yes. Harrison Ford, hell yes. Episodes I-III not so much.
Almost Famous
comments: Hell yeah.
Lord of the Rings
comments: Of course. My middle school obsession. But they're damn good movies.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
comments: God I love this movie. Matthew Broderick was perfect. I love all the Beatles references.

My favorite authors:

Stanley Booth
comments: True Adventures of the Rolling Stones
Bill German
Ray Davies
comments: He counts as an author :-D He's got 2 books out, X-Ray and Waterloo Sunset.

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last updated: 2011-08-24 22:49:04
this user's total entries: 680
user since: 2003-05-25

AOL IM name: orliaurelijah
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: horsecrazy1020
MSN Messenger name: horsecrazy10

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