Just a picture and a feeling and a face

Don't wander through this glassy surface,

Expecting to find more than me,

Cuz what am I without a purpose,

But a lone mirage to see?

My favorite diaries:

cuzumakemego profile - diary
comments: "Every day she had to wake up at 6:00 in the morning, splash cold water onto her face, stumble out onto a curb, and be driven to a large brown rectangular building by a large yellow rectangle."
anniewaits profile - diary
comments: "By the way, if you're at a company party and you think it sucks, don't say 'man, who's idea was this anyhow?' chances are the person who thought it up is sitting right next to you."
dancingbrave profile - diary
comments: "Recreationally, Heather and Lauren continue their trademark pedestrian efficiency, this year walking through malls and to The Coffee Bean at an evenfasterclip than before. And you didn't think they could do it! Pshaw!"
girls-suck profile - diary
comments: "'Boyfriend' is the only job I know of where having no experience will hinder you a bit, having a little helps muchly, and having a lot finds you standing in the unemployment line for months on end."
morganzola profile - diary
comments: "As a left-handed person myself, I can agree that we lefties are generally smarter and much, much better looking than the rest of the world. However, we are constantly disadvantaged because the world is horribly rightist."
motherbleeep profile - diary
comments: "I twirl metal poles. Wouldn't you like to read about the life of a girl who twirls metal poles?"
sundry profile - diary
comments: "Q. Is this entry actually entirely focused on feet? A. No. There is hidden subtext and profound metaphors, and someday this entry will be recognized for the literary genius that it is. *cough*"
unclebob profile - diary
comments: "Two weeks ago, I did a Compaq Quick Restore...Once I did that, I loved my computer. I frolicked with it. We held computer hands and watched the sun go down. I took it on a picnic and read it poetry while drinking cheap wine and squashing ants on it.
blofeld profile - diary
comments: "Wow. Where was I? Oh yeah! The point. Well, okay, so I was nowhere near the point, but deal with that as a segue or else we�ll all be here for another five days while I make my way to the -- hey, there�s a bird!...Kidding."
biensoul profile - diary
comments: "As most of you know, I'm a Google-hit WHORE and was delighted indeed to be the number 2 hit for 'Sarcastic Clapping Family of South Hampton'!!!"
luvabeans profile - diary
comments: "[Fruits are] yummy and perfect enough to make me use an excessive amount of exclamation points! and i hate that! Stop me before i start referring to myself in the cutesy-cute third person! and using abbreviations like 'omg'!"

My favorite music:

comments: And we all come tumbling down/No matter how strong/We all return to the ground/And in the days to come we'll say why did I wait/You can't just leave your life up to fate/You gotta turn it around before it's too late
John Mayer
comments: Staying home alone on a Friday/Flat on the floor looking back/On old love/Or lack thereof/After all the crushes are faded/All my wishful thinking was wrong/I'm jaded/I hate it
Elton John
comments: Turn 'em on, turn 'em on/Turn on those sad songs/When all hope is gone/Why don't you tune in and turn 'em on/They reach into your room/Just feel their gentle touch/When all hope is gone/Sad songs say so much
Billy Joel
comments: If I need a cause for celebration/Or a comfort I can use to ease my mind/I rely on my imagination/And I dream of an imaginary time/I know that everybody has a dream/Everybody has a dream/And this is my dream, my own
comments: Can you imagine no love, pride, deep-fried chicken/Your best friend always stickin up for you even when I know you're wrong/Can you imagine no first dance, freeze-dried romance 5-hour phone conversation/The best soy latte that you ever had...and me

My favorite movies:

Disney Movies
comments: Walt Disney is a genius! I mainly love the Disney animated movies, but some of the live-action films are good too.
Josie and the Pussycats
comments: I dont really know what it is about this movie that I like. It has a GREAT soundtrack and I can quote practically all the lines lol. "It took 6 whole hours, and 5 long days for all your lies to come undone"
Now and Then
comments: Oh man. Where to begin? I LOVE this movie. It is hysterical. Hmm, what else??? Devon Sawa is hot...yeah...it's just a great movie!

My favorite authors:

Meg Cabot
comments: Author of the Princess Diaries series, Mediator series (some as Jenny Carroll) and many more great books.
Ann Rinaldi
comments: Author of many historical fiction books, my favorite genre.
J.K. Rowling
comments: Is any comment even needed?

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last updated: 2003-03-20 20:46:37
this user's total entries: 228
user since: 2002-01-18

AOL IM name: fourleafclovr11
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