Enter the mind of a monster

my head is spinning

my vision white

go ahead and kill me

or i just might

throw myself at you

for love or fear

not knowing why

but drawing you near.

My favorite diaries:

cwegga profile - diary
comments: I love you
girls-suck profile - diary
comments: yeah they do, but what can i do about it?
fenixhunter profile - diary
comments: nic, you make me laugh
forsakenstar profile - diary
comments: she's cool. and special.
dying-flame profile - diary
comments: nic's story site. good stuff.
iamnotnaked profile - diary
comments: best friend, ariel. and one of the coolest friends i have.
cozmo103 profile - diary
godsdust profile - diary
comments: josh
privateaka profile - diary
cdghost profile - diary
comments: strange yet beautiful. totally random, the way i like it.
ealaspada profile - diary
comments: stumbling brought me here
adorkable profile - diary
spit-tears profile - diary

My favorite music:

John Mayer
comments: A hopeless romantic
The Jet City Fix
comments: Saw them live. Bought the shirt AND the cd
Thousand Foot Krutch
comments: you seem to think alot like me and i can just assume that we can talk about most anything.
Depeche Mode
comments: Somebody
comments: Your precious heart.

My favorite movies:

12 angry men
comments: It's a good movie about a jury. all of it is in one big room and a bathroom
Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail
comments: You tiny brained wiper of other people's bottoms!
Fight Club
comments: *swoon* Men that get pleasure from pain are just, well, um...
The Graduate
comments: Mrs. Robinson=iamnotnaked.diaryland.com
Pirates of the Carribean
comments: Second movie I've mostly memorized.

My favorite authors:

Robin McCinley
comments: stories at their best
Ray Bradbury
comments: Farenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles
comments: I love what I write
Dean Koontz
comments: crazy weird spiritual stuff.
Robert Jordan
comments: Fantasy guru.

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last updated: 2016-02-05 09:01:59
this user's total entries: 441
user since: 2001-09-21

AOL IM name: hannahw00s
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MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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