Punk rock, Ivy League, MS, uninspired text formatting

"Blogs" tend to suck. Usually, it's someone you don't know blathering about some drivel you could care less about. "D00d, the Canucks are gonna win the Stanley Cup this year!"

Please let me know if I fall prey to that...

My favorite diaries:

sksmith profile - diary
comments: How I discovered Diaryland. She still rocks. Who knew?
rachelliz profile - diary
comments: My editor. She even went to Brown and was my original year of 1996!
ursulabear profile - diary
comments: She's going back to sk00l as an older person; I endorse this. College is wasted on the young.
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: The most compelling diarist in Australia.
megmarch profile - diary
comments: Who needs a shrink when you have a pen?
stellarose profile - diary
comments: She's decided to stay in Denver, rather than going to Brown. Great things have happened to me in Denver...

My favorite music:

comments: There's just not enough room here, but listen up to the Record Hospital
Mission of Burma
comments: the greatest band from Boston ever
comments: also Throbbing Gristle, Neubauten, Melt-Banana, Steve Albini (Big Black, Rapeman, Shellac), et al.
the Donnas
comments: cf. so many women who rock, some probably in your life
the Selecter
comments: cf. other Two-Tone & first wave ska (it gets pretty grim later on)

My favorite movies:

Blade Runner
comments: 1187 Hundertwasser?
Better Off Dead
comments: Beth (of Roy): Oh my God, he's so boss. / Geoff (age 17): Am I so boss? / Kate (RIP): No Geoff, you're 'tasty'.
Fallen Angels
comments: There have been few better uses of film as a medium...
comments: Has sci fi film gotten better since 1927? SFX, maybe.
comments: the greatest German, women-in-prison, rock band, road trip movie ever

My favorite authors:

Don Delillo
comments: Underworld
Margaret Atwood
comments: The Handmaid's Tale
David Sedaris
comments: Me Talk Pretty One Day
Nelson Algren
comments: The Man with the Golden Arm
Jane Jacobs
comments: The Death and Life of Great American Cities

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last updated: 2008-10-07 15:20:39
this user's total entries: 308
user since: 2003-01-06

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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