no i wont give you all of me.

My favorite diaries:

BE-MY-HEROIN profile - diary
comments: "summer nights of stillness, cigarettes, and the misinterpretation of lust for love"
INUTTERO profile - diary
comments: "there are bite marks down my left shoulder blade. i still smell of him enough to think that if i turn around quickly enough, he'll be standing there."
ENJOYAUDREY profile - diary
comments: "strawberry lip gloss and alcoholic letdowns"
IT-IS profile - diary
comments: "I sealed it with my tongue, my last kiss to you. You will never taste me again, nor I you."
USB-PORT profile - diary
comments: "love is an experiment where results don't have to influence the next test."
DAISY-ROCK profile - diary
comments: "some call me an artist, a poet, whatever but i wish i really glowed in the dark like you said."
REVOLTE profile - diary
comments: "i want to be danced with. i want to be intoxicated. maybe even at the same time."
INAPTBEAUTY profile - diary
comments: "why can't i see yr face amidst the sea of people standing between us? is it because i choose not to look for you or because you choose to hide from me?"
ELECTRIC-OH profile - diary
comments: "i want big cities, bright lights, & intoxication"
NEONPLECTRUM profile - diary
comments: "lately i've been eating too much ice cream and feeling too sad. "
BLOW-IT-UP profile - diary
comments: "its fuckedup how i can smile and dance around with my skirt flying up and my panties showing while my best friend across the state is having her heart wrenched out and shattered on the pavement repeatedly."
MORCEAUX profile - diary
comments: "no, life isn't bad enough to wish for it to die away. and, no, life isn't even really bad enough for me to even complain. i'm satisfied, i'm making do, i'm moving on... life just isn't living. from day to day, when one
BEATUPINSIDE profile - diary
comments: "Sometimes I wish I could drink the memories away, but maybe you would just be clearer then, and I'm afraid to find out, because the clearer you become the more attached I get."
WARS profile - diary
comments: "wars wars wars"
STARLET-21 profile - diary
comments: "dont know where to start but all i can think about is that i watched my everything cry last night. because of me."
BLOODLETTE profile - diary
comments: "everything died with high school, and so did i. i hoped it wouldn't be the happiest years of my life, just like you said in your valedictory speech, and now i think it actually was."
SCHLAFLIED profile - diary
comments: " i remember the times when my heart was shattered. i can rememeber neighbours staring, people pointing when all i could do was cry. every breath seemed like the last, but still eternal."

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

leave a note for half-of-me
diaryrings which half-of-me belongs to
diaries which list half-of-me as a favorite diary
last updated: 2004-08-11 03:42:34
this user's total entries: 3
user since: 2004-08-03

AOL IM name: startupmyheart
ICQ number: but you probably shouldnt
Yahoo Messenger name: bother IMing me, cause
MSN Messenger name: its likely i dont like you.

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