On my way to Cleveland

and the rest is history.

My favorite diaries:

barabbas profile - diary
pip profile - diary
unresolved profile - diary
surfking profile - diary
vocaccia profile - diary
clcassius profile - diary
analogy profile - diary
candor profile - diary
mew-mew profile - diary
nyquilgirl profile - diary
milkwood profile - diary
paperbridges profile - diary
frenchpress profile - diary
trillion profile - diary
literatura profile - diary
kindergarten profile - diary
sunkenships profile - diary
orangepeeler profile - diary
likeaforest profile - diary
longingheart profile - diary
meism profile - diary
bumpercar profile - diary
missingteeth profile - diary
shutupmom profile - diary
wash-out profile - diary
verum profile - diary
redd profile - diary
operastar profile - diary
puellarina profile - diary
undermined profile - diary
neptune66 profile - diary
twangry profile - diary
jinkymarvels profile - diary
comments: tales of buffalo, ny. i'm so jealous.
unctuous profile - diary

My favorite music:

Modest Mouse
James Brown
Flaming Lips
Cat Power
Oscar Peterson

My favorite movies:

Take the money and run
Kill Bill
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
comments: Mos Def and dolphins.
Loves of a Blonde
Royal Tennenbaums

My favorite authors:

Julio Cortazar
David Sedaris
Sherwood Anderson
Jonathan Safran Foer

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last updated: 2016-02-11 01:01:40
this user's total entries: 247
user since: 2002-02-11

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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