looking into the heart of light, the silence

I like chai tea, giggling children on the subway, and making snow angels. I'm too nice. I value my private time because there's precious little of it. I never talk on the phone. I haven't got a driver's license. I have a sick penchant for words and am fascinated by other people's lives.

'You gave me hyacinths first a year ago;

They called me the hyacinth girl.'

--Yet when we came back, late, from the hyacinth garden,

Your arms full and your hair wet, I could not

Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither

Living nor dead, and I knew nothing,

Looking into the heart of light, the silence"

My favorite diaries:

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last updated: 2005-08-22 16:29:06
this user's total entries: 188
user since: 2001-11-15

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