This Is Me

My name is Jennifer and I'm 25 years old. I am a Registered Nurse, and I am a School Health Nurse (summers off!!). I'm happily married, and we are expecting our first child in March 2010!

If you stop by, don't hesitate to sign the guestbook or leave a note - I promise I don't bite!!

For the time being, I have decided to lock up. If you wish to still gain access, please email me at jaykay617(AT)yahoo(DOT)com.

My favorite diaries:

nccountry profile - diary
randomlush profile - diary
comments: locked
mrcleanluver profile - diary
oddgoogle profile - diary
future-nurse profile - diary
comments: locked
heylee profile - diary
comments: locked
classygirl83 profile - diary
the-moo profile - diary
tootiturtle profile - diary
futurenurse profile - diary
littlelove4 profile - diary
babytooti profile - diary
comments: locked
cracked-rose profile - diary
msbear profile - diary
lindzeeleigh profile - diary
comments: locked

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

"Finding Nemo"
comments: Such an adorable movie....I can't ever get enough of it!!
"The Notebook"
comments: The middle-aged ladies in the theater weren't the only ones who were sniffling throughout the whole movie -- I must say I regretted not having any tissues with me! This is by far my most favorite movie of all time.
"Steel Magnolias"
comments: I don't know why, but I just love this movie -- I love the concept of middle-aged ladies from the south and their quirky friendships!
"Cruel Intentions"
comments: I know it's kind of deep and a little "dark", but this movie is just so interesting; just the whole plot is so inventive
"Lilo & Stitch"
comments: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this movie!!! It's soooooo extremely cute!!

My favorite authors:

Mary Higgins Clark
comments: Definitely my favorite author - I own over 20 of her novels and I have loved reading each one.
Nora Roberts
comments: A recent new favorite author of mine; I love the mix of romance and suspense
Mary Jane Clark
comments: Recently discovered her books; I got 2 at the library and now I'm addicted!
Carol Higgins Clark
comments: the daughter of Mary Higgins Clark; writes almost as good as her mom
Emily Giffin
comments: Absolutely LOVE her books; she's only released 4 so far and they are all GREAT!

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last updated: 2010-04-15 14:49:19
this user's total entries: 525
user since: 2004-01-09

AOL IM name: jaykay617
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: jaykay617
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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