...and you'll ask yourself, where is my mind...

I am myself. But it is inappropriate for me to subjectivly define who I am. I'd take means to test the veracity of any such definition. And the restraints therefore have been placed within me restricting such an act.


well, i don't think i do understand, so there must be something wrong with your standard.

My favorite diaries:

i-am-jack profile - diary
comments: someone with whom i can relate to at so many levels...
jelias profile - diary
bill profile - diary
belle-black profile - diary
comments: my favorite person in all of vegas with whom i must someday visit and hang out at casinos with while dressed in slutty clothing.
thisdarkgirl profile - diary
comments: and amusing and witty conversationalist who takes a stand against the evil forces in the chat rooms...
futilehorn profile - diary
comments: an intresting complex carbon based life form of which i've had the pleasure of meeting...
zoetrope profile - diary
comments: an entity who one day hopes to become so hot that he will be too far out of my league to even talk to me...as for now, he's simply cuter than hell.
icarusrex profile - diary
comments: he is the fifth element...
chiv profile - diary
comments: mmmm....british accent....
misportsguy profile - diary
affablealien profile - diary
skylornova profile - diary
comments: a glimpse into the life of someone who knows what they're doing...or at least fakes it really well...
daath profile - diary
raq profile - diary
comments: a girl with a lovely voice that doesn't sound corn-bred southern
darkcircle profile - diary
dark-knight profile - diary
prythrough profile - diary
comments: looks a bit like jon...acts a lot like tim...
grimdestiny profile - diary

My favorite music:

the ataris
the pillows

My favorite movies:

high fidelity
comments: john cusack is hot.
voices of a distant star
comments: beautiful.
army of darkness
comments: great lines that should be used whenever possible.
fight club
comments: i love the last 30 seconds.
strange days
comments: great movie.

My favorite authors:

douglas adams
comments: hitchikers series is great
piers anthony
comments: good and fun.
comments: good and fun.
comments: classic.
neil gaiman
comments: i love neverwhere and good omens is my favourite book.

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last updated: 2016-11-03 03:36:49
this user's total entries: 536
user since: 2001-11-17

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