Extractions from Kyna's Brain

My favorite diaries:

alisandra profile - diary
comments: Why oh why does the Mel have to travel so often?
balynar profile - diary
comments: the one true dread-baron
bdeb profile - diary
comments: Back away from the squirrel food
chris-sca profile - diary
comments: Cause being left-handed is just being right
colin-g profile - diary
comments: Never knew he was so funny till I started reading his diary
dameanne profile - diary
comments: Southern, lovely
elsworthy profile - diary
comments: darkness made friendly
foxphotog profile - diary
comments: Ciaran MacWHAT???
genvieve profile - diary
comments: Bubbles
blackbear profile - diary
comments: JERM!!!!!!
lacuriosa profile - diary
comments: Best modern name of anyone I know
ladysusanna profile - diary
comments: Giraffes, and bees how can you go wrong
giuliana profile - diary
comments: Who was Muirrean, and is no longer :)
nia-nia profile - diary
comments: Needs NO description
nikulai profile - diary
comments: Who blows up monitors
padraiga profile - diary
comments: The other half of my brain :) PODBUDDY
roland profile - diary
comments: Prrrr
theodora profile - diary
comments: The strange things always happen in her life, no one elses
thjora profile - diary
comments: With better sleeves than I do
thornbury profile - diary
comments: he that is too "close" to his motorcycle
moirarowan profile - diary
comments: kimmiekim! so cool she needs to be twice named
ladyadriana profile - diary
comments: Andrea in NC
blueduke profile - diary
comments: the oldcastle blue
bera profile - diary
comments: goodbye sad world. woosh!
havorc profile - diary
comments: 1/2 ork ... what is the other 50%?
mitake profile - diary
comments: miss the mitake. *sigh*
nitenar profile - diary
comments: steelers fan
leofwynne profile - diary
comments: very stylish
moustache profile - diary
comments: bendy, like gumby but less green
hun-e-b profile - diary
comments: when I grow up can I be cool like this?
ladyrhi profile - diary
comments: stringy goodness -> cattoys in my world
supfiggy profile - diary
comments: souther charm ... with attitude
ormswyn profile - diary
comments: british and bald
love2fly profile - diary
comments: amazing

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last updated: 2005-09-19 08:39:03
this user's total entries: 156
user since: 2001-09-18

AOL IM name: kyneburh
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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