Rik's Head

Yeah, I'm fucked up.. deal with it

My favorite diaries:

lesbianrobot profile - diary
comments: My KeKe... *sigh* I miss duh bitch...
boy-ashamed profile - diary
comments: Funny Shit
insomnolence profile - diary
comments: Jiffy C!! My best friend from TAMS... I showed him my penis! HAHAHA
crapstein profile - diary
comments: The random chick who brightens my day by signing my guestbook.. I enjoy her :)
mohwkd profile - diary
comments: The mohawked Asian... need I say more?
sailorx profile - diary
comments: Tall, black and beautiful... one chica I definitely miss...
caliboi1814 profile - diary
comments: JACKASS!!! j/k BFFBBCBBDSC ... o ya.. potatohead
izreal profile - diary
comments: he always leaves me nice comemnts in my guestbook
lauradior profile - diary
comments: Light of my life, sunshine of my world.. crazy as a loon but I love her to death :)
justaboi1814 profile - diary
comments: My lil bro got a new diary :) Luv this kid!
diaryreviews profile - diary
comments: one day maybe I'll even get mine :)
lastflightin profile - diary
anti-project profile - diary
comments: i can totally relate to her... who knew two of us could be in the same boat
bindyree profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: A Goddess... if any woman owns my heart, its her
happy Hardcore
comments: ok its not a band, but anything in this genre rocks your socks!
Unwritten Law
Green Day
Leona Naess
comments: What can I say.. she speaks to me

My favorite movies:

Cruel Intentions

My favorite authors:

Michael Connoly

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last updated: 2011-11-10 03:48:33
this user's total entries: 541
user since: 2002-06-25

AOL IM name: gatekeprRF
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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