Lux Olive

After living in New England for my entire life, I just up and moved to the desert. Not the deSSert. (SS = Strawberry Shortcake. Or Nazi Officers. OR BOTH.) I have 4 cats: One that looks like a basketball with a really small head, one that looks like a cow, and two that are stripey and hate each other with the fire of a couple of suns. I would like long walks on the beach, but there are no beaches here. There are, however, margaritas. And libraries. So I am all set.

My favorite diaries:

amblus profile - diary
comments: Amblus #1 for real.
smartypants profile - diary
freshhell profile - diary
lisamcc profile - diary
ehmi profile - diary
emiloo profile - diary
comments: I'm not gonna lie. I want you for mine.
emmbee profile - diary
mayapple profile - diary
comments: Bruce Banner!
socialista profile - diary
comments: The gnome is smiling because it has its hands down its pants. DIRTY GNOME.
sundry profile - diary
madamepierce profile - diary
comments: The Sausage Queen of Boston
evany profile - diary
brkfstfnys profile - diary
comments: Reads Heat! Oh, my sister. Oh, to be understood.
freshhell profile - diary

My favorite music:

Teenage Fanclub
comments: I am so securely stuck in 1993.
The Olsen Twins
comments: If they are not a band yet, they should be.

My favorite movies:

Waiting for Guffman
comments: The Stool Capital of the World!
Red Dawn
comments: "What's the capital of Texas?" "Austin." "No, it's Houston, you Commie!"
Lost in Translation

My favorite authors:

British Chick Schlock
comments: So embarassing to read on the train, and yet I can't help myself. Snog THIS!
Bill Bryson
Nick Hornby
J.K. Rowling

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last updated: 2005-11-15 12:15:44
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user since: 2003-02-05

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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