Milkwood's Lactating Forest of Caves

solitude, drought, desire...and the escapist vices that follow...

My favorite diaries:

lovejunky profile - diary
comments: raging, gripping, sighing, slipping...gritty sensation-through-words addict
kif profile - diary
comments: Her own sky of plotted stars forming alloy or gelatin constellations...always shifting, slowly endless...always so much space...
elagabalus profile - diary
comments: Nose-picking, metaphor-flicking genius.
queerscribe profile - diary
comments: liquid prose in the gutteral passions of eros
marn profile - diary
comments: hilarious and touching
clcassius profile - diary
comments: Words woven right through your bloodstream...
greytanit profile - diary
comments: Moment: Strong woman. Hugs self tightly. And tries to stop. the bleeding.
orangepeeler profile - diary
comments: Landscapes painted through whispers.
dyke profile - diary
comments: Be sure to breathe very well before reading her...
thefelineone profile - diary
comments: she growls, she hisses, she scratches, she pisses...and if you rub underneath her chin in just the right way, well, she just might purr...
heptachlor profile - diary
comments: Witty. Playful. and Chlorinated! Go swim in him!
paperwings profile - diary
comments: my Wife. hehe.
level-off profile - diary
comments: kind of reminds me of Ani DiFranco...
stormwachr profile - diary
comments: beautifully mundane and sincere.
notahilbilly profile - diary
comments: exhibitionist on so many different levels...
xenomorph profile - diary
comments: my online affair....
qwert profile - diary
comments: squirt...blurt...jumble, bake.

My favorite music:

Laurie Anderson
comments: "You're walking. And you don't always realize it, but you're always falling. With each step you fall forward slightly. And then catch yourself from falling. Over and over..."
comments: "In a heart full of dust...lives a creature called surprises and me, like me!"
comments: "Plants...and...rags...Ease myself into...a bodybag..."
Tori Amos
comments: "..first my left foot then my right behind the other...breadcrumbs lost under the snow..."
comments: "Her green plastic watering can..for her fake Chinese rubber the fake plastic earth..."

My favorite movies:

Dancer in the Dark
Girl, Interrupted
The Fisher King
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Edward Scissorhands

My favorite authors:

Italo Calvino
comments: "...If i were only a hand, a severed hand that grasps a pen and writes...Who would move this hand?..."
Sylvia Plath
comments: "i shut my eyes and all the world drops dead...i lift my lids, and all is born again...(i think i made you up inside my head)"
Dylan Thomas
comments: "These are but dreaming men...Breathe and they fade."
Russell Edson
comments: "I stood in the yard and taught aeroplanes to be tender...They flew by above, and i waved my arms and screamed out, 'BE TENDER!!', and they flew away, just as tenderly, being tender wherever they went."
Dorothy Parker
comments: "Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live."

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last updated: 2005-10-06 04:13:17
this user's total entries: 259
user since: 1999-12-27

AOL IM name: DementiaMilkwood
ICQ number: 121595328
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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