shadows in the moonlight

My cast includes:

D: my son, David

J: his girfriend Jenn

Empress Kitty: Her Royal Highness, Stevie

And alot of others not named YET.

Moonshadow has changed completely. She is political, opinionated, and is going to say whatever is on her mind. Can't deal? Don't read.

I hope you enjoy the change.

My favorite diaries:

atkinsdiary profile - diary
comments: I'm just starting this diet.
wanderinwolf profile - diary
comments: very cool.....very different......but I still miss you, Wolfie
tvzero profile - diary
comments: same profile.....totally different and cool
fadein profile - diary
comments: like reading a screenplay......awesome
bettyalready profile - diary
comments: I could be friends with this lady
reynedecoupe profile - diary
comments: got it from another profile......awesome
asrael profile - diary
comments: the bio.......just read the bio and you'll stay for more
golfwidow profile - diary
comments: found her on a damm funny
kitchenwitch profile - diary
comments: did her survey and here I am
blazingangel profile - diary
frozen-kiss profile - diary
jaxraven profile - diary
lady-kasura profile - diary
comments: she was back....gone....back......I think she may be gone again
dragonlight2 profile - diary
comments: my son's new diary.......possibly locked but I know the
mystical76 profile - diary
trancejen profile - diary
ariel0316 profile - diary
comments: Jen........David's girlfriend
allegedwife profile - diary
comments: clicked on her cuz she had mine on her profile and haven't left since.

My favorite music:

comments: nothing but the best
stevie nicks
comments: the Queen Witch.....she is on the "BEST" list
patti labelle
comments: music to feed my soul

My favorite movies:

way too many to even list

My favorite authors:

jean auel
comments: if you've read any of the Earth Children series you know why
dean koonz
comments: the master
john saul
comments: also the master
johnathan kellerman
comments: if you like a good mystery.........

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last updated: 2005-03-03 02:36:54
this user's total entries: 180
user since: 2002-08-30

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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