
I've been here a long time, but I revel in being unknown.

My favorite diaries:

timdangerous profile - diary
comments: when he emails me, I find my jaw on the table
sunstarr profile - diary
comments: one of my very good friends met through this site. peas & carrots girl!
mal-adjusted profile - diary
comments: I miss this one.
doommuffin profile - diary
comments: yay for muffins!!!
dulligirl profile - diary
comments: I luv this girl! *hugs*
dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: ...think I need to watch this one...

My favorite music:

The Originals
comments: David Bowie, Morrissey, Elvis, Harry Connick Jr., Robert Smith, David Byrne, Carl Perkins, Joey Ramone, Nick Cave, Moby, Peter Murphy, Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, Benny Goodman, Dean Martin, Brian Setzer
comments: Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Primus, Demented Are Go, Reverend Horton Heat, Go Cat Go, Big Sandy, Koffin Kats, Three Bad Jacks, The Paladins, The Betty Fords, LeePresson & the Nails, Stray Cats, etc.
New Wave
comments: Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, Boy George, Pet Shop Boys, Yaz, Erasure, The Cure, Talking Heads etc.
comments: VNV Nation, Icon of Coil, Covenant, KMFDM, Good Courage, Bigod 20, etc
comments: some gothic, ambient, swing/big band, some ska, some classical

My favorite movies:

Anything By Tim Burton
comments: Always inspiring, always touching.
The Dark Crystal
comments: Somebody bring Jim Henson back to life please.
Home For The Holidays
comments: family dysfunction, Robert Downey presumably sober, and GO GTO!
Donnie Darko
comments: If you don't like it, I can't like you.
Run Lola Run
comments: Representing my MANY favorite foreign films.

My favorite authors:

Brian Froud
comments: more of an artist.
Bruce Campbell
comments: If Chins Could Kill- I laughed for days, then I cried cause the book was over
Charlaine Harris
comments: Been following the southern vampire series since inception.
comments: The Legend Of Nightfall and the sequel. My hero.
comments: I read so many books and love so many, this is near impossible.

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last updated: 2022-10-18 11:57:28
this user's total entries: 1327
user since: 2001-07-31

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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