Life as a Lighthouse - The Diary of Martin Zauberman

Professional scientist, student, and writer, amateur guitar player, harmonica-ist, pool hustler, and golfer.

My favorite diaries:

ehadams profile - diary
comments: Kills aliens. Saves dogs. Good stuff.
lynnstjoseph profile - diary
comments: This diary makes me happy always. Period.
perceptions profile - diary
comments: Everybody continues to love Bobby. Ever imitated, never equalled.
alldecadence profile - diary
comments: She probably has better taste in music than me. Thus, she must be destroyed.
aglaia profile - diary
comments: A great writer, although with increasingly infrequent updates. The reason I ended up at diaryland in the first place.
dandelionkat profile - diary
comments: "What does GET YOU SOME JESUS mean to you?"
lisse profile - diary
comments: Is now, and has always been, awesome.
th3dhorseman profile - diary
comments: The hidden treasure of all of Diaryland. Every time Dave updates, an angel gets its wings. We love Dave, and so should you.
realjesus profile - diary
comments: He's really Jesus. No, seriously, He is actually Jesus.
ladiebug profile - diary
comments: A diarist without inhibitions; never writing for an audience, making it all the better.
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: If you forgot that there were other people around, and if you didn't care that they were watching, and if you did stuff just because it was cool and not because you thought other people would think you were cool for doing it, you might be this cool.
hodgson profile - diary
comments: What if you went through life just having weird stuff happen to you all the time?
ghostlight profile - diary
comments: We're all just walking along through this world climbing steadily uphill. The great solace is that sometimes it doesn't feel that way.
unclebob profile - diary
comments: Every dinner at Kenny Rogers' Roasters is a three-page event for Uncle Bob. The best reason never to move to Alabama :)
manualorgasm profile - diary
comments: Diary updated. Hilarity ensues.
tangycarrot profile - diary
comments: "Either that's the reason or my shit is afraid of the high-dive."
brimac profile - diary
comments: Believes that Jake Gyllenhall is not real; that is, he's a robot. I concur completely.
cheetarah profile - diary
comments: Your parents named you Beatrice? Beat-Rice? Like, "hey, go out and beat me some rice?" Sorry.
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: A great writer and a link in a strange cosmic chain.
girlsdontcry profile - diary
comments: "It does seem kind of cool that fireworks are set off to commemorate the day that parliament didn't get blown up."
maeve-arie profile - diary
comments: She calls me "Zaubie." Not even my Mom calls me "Zaubie."
golfwidow profile - diary
smerrol profile - diary
comments: A neat person and diarist in her own right, even if she was brought into the diaryland fold by her boyfriend.
somnambulist profile - diary
comments: Should have added this one a long time ago
cuzumakemego profile - diary
comments: "He makes this 'look at me I'm so helpless' face when he's trying to translate Spanish into English and I'm like AWWWWWW YOU ARE SO CUUUUTE!"
ozwald profile - diary
comments: "Well - I have a history of getting mixed up with men who just want to fuck with me. Literally or mentally."
miss-edith profile - diary
comments: Shall have no cakes today.
bobrules profile - diary
chubbychic profile - diary
comments: Purportedly not Squirrel-X
ryan8-5cut profile - diary
comments: This guy rules. Funny stuff and the juicy stuff all rolled into one.
loser8720 profile - diary
comments: *Smirk*
liquid-mojo profile - diary
comments: Brad Pitt and Ed Norton rolled into one?
captvfirefly profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: The most impressive catalog of songs ever
Dave Matthews Band
comments: Best band formed after 1985
Tom Waits
comments: The only artist who has at least 8 best albums. Beyond genius-level.
Jackson Browne
comments: Possibly the best lyricist who ever lived
James Taylor
comments: For "Frozen Man" and "Millworker" more than "Fire and Rain"

My favorite movies:

LA Story
comments: The best ending of any movie, ever, and my personal favorite.
comments: Probably the most accurate hackerish movie, even if there were some licenses taken...
Field of Dreams
comments: A perfect execution of a perfect movie
Almost Famous
comments: Cameron Crowe is an ass who should have put "If you like this movie, wait three months because I'll come out with the ultra 2-disc special edition DVD that you'll buy anyway" stickers on his stupid, crappy initial DVD release.
comments: "Daddy, what was Linus like when he was young?" "Shorter."

My favorite authors:

Steve Martin
comments: 'Shopgirl' has to be one of my all time favorite books
Dave Barry
comments: is NOT making this up
Douglas Adams
comments: The Hitchhiker's Trilogy (all five books) was truly amazing.

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last updated: 2004-11-18 03:32:12
this user's total entries: 501
user since: 2001-04-11

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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