Did I Mention I like Girls?

My name is X and I'm a diaryaholic.

Somewhere between my tattoo designing, college job, travelling up and down to my long distance and wonderful fiance, fiction writing, website building, illness battling, drooling over beautiful girls and hair dyeing I manage to find time to become terrified of a naked Assistant Director Skinner, mutant tortoises, jars and Sampras. Oh - and I keep a diary, too :)

My favorite diaries:

a-bou profile - diary
angelgirl95 profile - diary
askaphrodite profile - diary
astory profile - diary
augustdreams profile - diary
backagain profile - diary
belle-chan profile - diary
bi-n-proud profile - diary
caerydd profile - diary
cairparavel profile - diary
caretaker profile - diary
chaos-junkie profile - diary
cocktails profile - diary
deadthyme profile - diary
d-i-v-a profile - diary
duh-knees profile - diary
enchancea profile - diary
fae-mist profile - diary
finalscore profile - diary
fivetwo profile - diary
forestdream profile - diary
maralisa profile - diary
gratuitous profile - diary
groovy-jo profile - diary
honey-blade profile - diary
iamperfect profile - diary
in-absentia profile - diary
jenderbender profile - diary
jenne1017 profile - diary
julia47 profile - diary
kangaroopoo profile - diary
keryanna profile - diary
kitchenlogic profile - diary
leiascully profile - diary
lilmissalien profile - diary
lovedbyone profile - diary
maddie2365 profile - diary
mayamimi profile - diary
me-me-meee profile - diary
missprint profile - diary
moonshine76 profile - diary
mrducky profile - diary
nosher profile - diary
oh-indeed profile - diary
oneofthefew profile - diary
owauno profile - diary
paper-rose profile - diary
puppet-666 profile - diary
quietthought profile - diary
raen profile - diary
revillusion profile - diary
sad-doll profile - diary
Sagittarian profile - diary
sakurachan profile - diary
sandandwater profile - diary
secretshame profile - diary
sigyn profile - diary
silverepona profile - diary
soffs profile - diary
sparklefae profile - diary
sprhrgrl profile - diary
Squirrelx profile - diary
star-heart profile - diary
synful-lys profile - diary
theaurie profile - diary
thunderkat profile - diary
torch profile - diary
twisted-mind profile - diary
urban-faerie profile - diary
virtuallynic profile - diary
weymouth66 profile - diary
xactlywhoiam profile - diary
xylem profile - diary
the-tortoise profile - diary
comments: Hopefully this will become the scariest collaboration in the world ;)
some-answers profile - diary
comments: ...And here's my diary 'notebook', and the rest of my extreme buddy list! Go take a look!

My favorite music:

Hazel O Connor
The Cure
The Smiths
Prefab Sprout
Kirsty MacColl

My favorite movies:

Electric Dreams
Breaking Glass
Earth Girls are Easy
Revenge of the Nerds

My favorite authors:

leave a note for no-answers
diaryrings which no-answers belongs to
diaries which list no-answers as a favorite diary
last updated: 2003-07-10 14:59:40
this user's total entries: 515
user since: 2001-12-17

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Other diaries starting with the letter:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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