Dorthy Parker was right.

I am a 20 year old punk girl in the US Air Force. AIR POWER...

My favorite diaries:

switchcraft profile - diary
comments: Marines and Air Force go together like peanutbutter and felt.

My favorite music:

Good Charolete
comments: I like this band a lot. Unfortunatley so do my exes...
The Beatles
comments: All time favorite band. They are timeless... John Lennon was a visionary
Amazon Fug
comments: My band. I have to list them out of loyalty
comments: You know you're right.....
comments: "Whats mine is Yours" Is the Shaun and Carol Break up song.

My favorite movies:

comments: The Beatles made a movie. It's my favorite and the music is superb
The Wedding Singer
comments: Drew Barrymore is one of the best actresses I've ever seen... and she was SO cute in this movie!
Moulin Rouge
comments: I'd never forgive myself if I forgot to list this movie.
Boondock Saints
comments: Not usually big on this kind of movie, but I'll make an exception for anyone with an Irish accent.
Lord Of The Rings
comments: This is a no-brainer. I want an elf and a pet hobbit of my very own.

My favorite authors:

Dorthy Parker
comments: If you haven't read "The Waltz" you will never fully understand the mindset of a woman.
Jude Deveraux
comments: Her last two books were crappy, but that woman can write an awesome romance.
Anne Rice
comments: Speciffically "Queen of the Damned"
Jhonen Vasquez
comments: Author of "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac", "Squee!" , "I Feel Sick." and "Invader Zim"
Mike Nelson
comments: Writer and actor on the series "MST:3K" and author of comically brilliant books like "Movie Mega Cheese", "Death Rat", and "Mind over Matters"

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last updated: 2005-04-03 08:37:13
this user's total entries: 21
user since: 2003-06-08

AOL IM name: Akiliana
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