gimme some sugar baby

jason schwartzman...awww yeah.

My favorite diaries:

jwilliams profile - diary
comments: Still one of the nicest guys I know!
piebald profile - diary
comments: My fellow commrade in the Detroit Faithful of UFB fans, and an awesome dude!
mboyd72 profile - diary
comments: He appreciates that "they're real."
zerb profile - diary
comments: He can dance like the devil.
magnesium profile - diary
comments: "I don't want to be anyone's hero unless I get to wear tights."
edgarfrog profile - diary
comments: this guy is hilaaaaaaaaaaarious!
yuengling profile - diary
comments: He gives the best hugs. And his diary is named after some mighty fine beer.
scottypoops profile - diary
comments: yeah...i'm his label representative (it's his profile). he's da lead singer of bedford drive.
sweetjane1 profile - diary
comments: yeah...i'm her label rep too (her profile says so). she's da bassist of bedford drive.
still-frames profile - diary
grlscout profile - diary
stardwarf profile - diary
adjectives profile - diary
comments: "people at my school think i'm a hippie when i dance in the rain with my headphones on. fuck them, it's fun."
jadedenvy profile - diary
comments: "Nothing beats stepping in cat puke, cleaning up dog piss and not having any of the research to do a major project due the next day. Nope, nothing really does beat that."
bra2002 profile - diary
blackndnails profile - diary
girlnamedsam profile - diary
fuckyr profile - diary
heyjude85 profile - diary
comments: she loves billy...and pirates...and really good music. this might be fate.
aidawrites profile - diary
comments: she and i both LOVE napoleon dynamite. yay!

My favorite music:

comments: The best band on the entire planet. 4-ever.
Pop Unknown
comments: I love them...a lot. You should too. You won't be sorry.
Jimmy Eat World
comments: They make me laugh, cry, swoon.
comments: So beautiful.
Ryan Adams
comments: I've loved him since Whiskeytown. Plus, his first solo release Heartbreaker has got to be one of the best albums I own goddammit. He's a marvel.

My favorite movies:

comments: Probably my most favorite.
Office Space
comments: Hilarious.
Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory
comments: A classic that makes me warm and fuzzy.
Meeting People is Easy
comments: Radiohead...nuff said.
Empire Records
comments: The best ( movie I've ever seen!!!

My favorite authors:

J.K. Rowling
comments: So I read Harry kicks ass...and you can kiss mine.
comments: Crime and Punishment changed my life when I read it.Seriously.
comments: One of the most brilliant wordsmiths ever. EVER.

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last updated: 2005-12-09 19:33:48
this user's total entries: 549
user since: 2001-09-27

AOL IM name: tourist at dawn
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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