Stitches on a Rag Doll's Heart . . .

I write so I don't forget what I feel. Each word is a stitch . . . holding my memories together like a patchwork quilt. Light and dark, love and loss, laughter and pain. I wouldn't give up a moment -- because this is my path, and this is what I am. God has a plan.

My favorite diaries:

coppersky profile - diary
comments: "It's so weird how he works. Nobody will ever get it. I guess that's why faith is such a powerful thing to have."
catsoul profile - diary
comments: "You spoke with moonlight in your words. We drank ginger tea and ate your promises, luminescent and golden."
dirtyboots profile - diary
comments: "The kettle is slightly broken and it dribbled a little bit on a cornflake that was lying on the bench and has expanded it greatly."
all-sewn-up profile - diary
comments: "I'm officially infatuated with the giant homicidal dragonflies."
vikkeh profile - diary
comments: My dear British lady whom I adore immensely. <3

My favorite music:

comments: Poetry in motion.
comments: I like most of H.I.M.'s songs, but not all of them.
Savage Garden
comments: Such a pretty voice.
Meat Loaf
comments: Ballads of love, life, and heartbreak. His songs remind me of motorcycles and last kisses.
Bon Jovi
comments: Okay, Bon Jovi is very pretty, and I don't think there's a single song of his I don't like.

My favorite movies:

The "Pirates" Trilogy
comments: Definitely a fangirl. If only Captain Jack would bathe and sober up . . .
Phantom of the Opera
comments: Angsty men in masks and gloves . . . what more is there to say?
The Corpse Bride
comments: Johnny Depp + Tim Burton + adorable story + claymation = win.
From Hell
comments: Am I the only one who adores stories of men who fall in love with prostitutes and lift them out of the darkness?
comments: The movie about Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was assassinated while celebrating Mass. It broke my heart and inspired me . . . a modern-day martyr.

My favorite authors:

Juliet Marillier
comments: She paints with her words.
Edgar Allan Poe
comments: Dark, with an undeniable rhythm. A pulse. Poe's words have a heartbeat.
Silvia Plath
comments: Raw verses torn out of her heart and thrown onto the paper. I love it.
Michel Faber
comments: "The Crimson Petal and the White" is a masterpiece. That's all I can say.
Anne Rice
comments: I love Lestat. I can't help it.

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last updated: 2008-10-25 04:46:19
this user's total entries: 116
user since: 2006-10-07

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