Dream With Me

Everyone dreams, even you. These are mine. Read, enjoy, form your own. I'm in my twenties with my sights set on life and the pursuit of sweet dreams and happiness.

My favorite diaries:

banshee-rose profile - diary
comments: You are never alone in this world. (and her poetry is powerful stuff)
blue-suede profile - diary
comments: God bless the working university student with ugly feet!
dorknoodle profile - diary
comments: May blues ever prevail, my music snobbish friend.
fivehundred profile - diary
comments: This is the thing that keeps me motivated to change. Great group!
j-leem profile - diary
comments: Sexiest mama around!
kapowaz profile - diary
comments: Designer to the max (and a sweetie too)
lexly profile - diary
comments: Photographer who dreams too
maeve-arie profile - diary
comments: A girl with a real head on her shoulders
mellowafro profile - diary
comments: Trials and tribulations of one of my closest friends
ms-bormann profile - diary
comments: One of the kids I helped out joining diaryland
oursecrets profile - diary
comments: Shhhhhh. Do you have a secret, too?
patw-21 profile - diary
comments: Good kid who I've helped out. Check him out!
rainbwlollie profile - diary
comments: One of the kids I helped out joining diaryland
reversedream profile - diary
comments: One of the kids I helped out joining diaryland
schoonie profile - diary
comments: This man gives my brain something new to chew daily.
silver23 profile - diary
comments: Snazziest lady around. It's Poppy.
trancejen profile - diary
comments: THE goddess of diaryland.
uglypony profile - diary
comments: Poetry by the ugly for the ugly, yet she's beautiful
luvabeans profile - diary
comments: So very yellow.
lobsterchick profile - diary
comments: Ran across randomly and fell in.
daath profile - diary
comments: Workin' man by day, Jethro Tull's biggest fan by night
pushpull profile - diary
comments: Another music obsessed twentysomething.

My favorite music:

comments: Such a great band from the UK for no one to really know of them. . . may girl rock live forever.
that dog
comments: I'm still waiting for my boy from long island. . .
comments: "any day now, you'll call me up on the phone. Say you love me more than you ever did before" isn't that what every girl wants to hear?
Veruca Salt/Nina Gordan
comments: Whether it's Nina doing solo work or the entire band, the music just speaks to me and makes me happy.
comments: Another girl rock band. 'nuf said

My favorite movies:

comments: Comedy about killing off the popular people only to find out you are one of them. . . how true.
Empire Records
comments: A movie dedicated to the best music. Life is about the music.
High Fiedelity
comments: ditto above
Tank Girl
comments: Who said women don't have the willpower to conquer all?

My favorite authors:

I'll read anything that falls into my hands
comments: Lately been reading huge amounts of fantasy - Katherine Kerr, Terry Goodkind, David Eddings

leave a note for redness
diaryrings which redness belongs to
diaries which list redness as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-03-28 20:36:11
this user's total entries: 585
user since: 2000-02-21

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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