Warning: Anything you want to know and everything you don't want to know about Rob Roy

I'm a genius, or so the woman say when they want me to love them. Or so I tell myself to avoid suicide. Or so I tell my self to make it through a day as an English Major at UC Davis. Or so I tell myself when I'm profound and dillusional all at the same moment.

My favorite diaries:

design-doll profile - diary
comments: Morissey isn't even gay. She can't even be happy at being a faghag becuase Morissey is a-sexual. But design-doll's happiness depends on two things: A tall (and ascetically pleasing) mug of strong coffee and staying out of Livermore.
noirrealist profile - diary
comments: I've seen noirrealist drunk and reading poetry. I've seen noirralist drunk and in design-doll's PJs. I've seen noirrealist drunk.
bleedingnerd profile - diary
comments: This is my friend Anne. I used to be her boss. She is short and angry and feels burdened by her boobs. Her main question in life is - does Billy Corgon look better bald or with hair?
babyjahlove profile - diary
comments: Ashley always says I was her boss or her co-worker but i used to fuck her. i swear i did. And more than once, too. She is also the only other person besides myself that says Rob Roy is a favorite author. So Robsucks can ask her about sex with Rob Roy.
robsucks profile - diary
comments: When someone said "the truth is out there", they meant that the truth is right here. This person that hates me also designed the Captain Morgan picture at the top of the website. the photo's original intent is to discourage alcoholism.
dianabee profile - diary
comments: She reads my diary and she worries about me. She has fun with millinery. When she dances with me, she's having fun on ecstasy.
ieatsoap profile - diary
comments: short. to the point. unlike me. (or dianabee).
donoteatsoap profile - diary
comments: mean spirited motherfucker. i guess they really don't like people that eat soap. they don't even like people that know people that eat soap.
slothra profile - diary
comments: She is educated in every way of the world, but most importantly she can drink you under the pool table and make you break into tears in a crossword race. If this was a perfect world, she would rule it. i once smacked her ass.
ashbobash profile - diary
comments: I have yet to be directly mentioned in her diary but Ashley appears in mine. My good friend, Dan, used to have his penis appear in her several times. This fact is also the case in dianabee's diary.
emelina profile - diary
comments: I dated "Emilina" for 4 years. She married my bestfriend, yadayadayada - we're all still friends. She is a brilliant writer & its great she picked up the pen again, or in this case: the keyboard. & Yes Robsucks, we've had sex.
tou-mou profile - diary
comments: An open book in 12-point Times Roman font that keeps secrets no better than she grasps air in both of her fists. The good girl, the one in the long pigtails who willingly washes the dishes and takes outt he trash, who feeds morphine in a spoon to grandma.
Caspergrey profile - diary
comments: I've only known her when she was drunk and I was drunk, but she left an impression (on my lap and I enjoyed that). She likes Henry Rollins and we all know I have a somewhat homoerotic attraction to Henry Rollins.
maobili profile - diary
comments: Misha danced with me as clad-in-black gothic angel adorned with glittering wings.

My favorite music:

Rollins Band
comments: Not as great now as they used to be, but I'll admit it: I'm addicted to Henry Rollins.
Leonard Cohen
comments: This guy is the best lyricist in the music busniss. Simply a fucking genius with a voice every poet should envy.
Black Sabbath
comments: This band will be the featured artlist on the sound track to my funeral.
Depeche Mode
comments: Brooding and English. At least its not the Cure or Morrisey.
Marvin Gaye
comments: I don't trust someone who catagorically doesn't like Marvin gaye.

My favorite movies:

Fight Club
comments: As good as the book. Rent the special edition DVD. It is fucking awesome. It is revolution while you watch.
Apocolypse Now
comments: On my check list to do in life. Go down a river not just to kill a man, but to assasinate a guru.
Usual Suspects
comments: If people talked in real life like they do in David Mamet films, Rob would be a much happier guy.
The godfather
comments: All of them. Cinematically morbid and beautiful.
Pump up the Volume
comments: Okay so a corny 80s flick but it has both Leonard Cohen and henry rollins on the sound track. Its pirate radio and its funny. I also like The Chase with co-stars Henry Rollins.

My favorite authors:

Chuck Palahniuk
comments: He wrote Fight Club, Lullaby, Survivor. He's scathingly funny.
Henry Rollins
comments: As I have said, I'm an addict. I've met the guy. He's great. I've founded a club at my school; The Disciples of henry Rollins. Free the West Memphis Three.
Anthony Swofford
comments: A great new book is out called Jarhead about Desert Storm and being a Marine. more than that Tony is an angry romantic. I've been reading his poetry since 1998.
Charles Bukowski
comments: "All geniuses are drunkards. And all Drunkards are madmen." - C. Bukowski. These are words that i live by and drink by. I'm a thinker and a drinker.
Rob Roy
comments: I'll be the first to say it. I'm brilliant.

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last updated: 2003-06-29 08:51:14
this user's total entries: 65
user since: 2003-03-21

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