I don't do crowds

"It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens."

-Woody Allen

My favorite diaries:

edithelaine profile - diary
glashaus profile - diary
hapapowerr profile - diary
newviolet profile - diary
warmblankets profile - diary
aware profile - diary
jetlagdream profile - diary
palebycmprsn profile - diary
miss-megan profile - diary
fuschia profile - diary
crackedlips profile - diary
ydandelions profile - diary
femmeproject profile - diary
s-g profile - diary
sood profile - diary
urine profile - diary
orangina21 profile - diary
guitkoko profile - diary
emotionalist profile - diary
bendme profile - diary
throwingjuly profile - diary
anonperson profile - diary
whatlight profile - diary
lightfallsup profile - diary
moonrattles profile - diary
dgr profile - diary
sythy profile - diary
soillsich profile - diary
defect profile - diary
immolation profile - diary
wednes-danny profile - diary
hair-spray profile - diary
pixie-never profile - diary
a-i-p profile - diary
sunkenships profile - diary
pinkmusique profile - diary
sokagitano profile - diary
lilywithagun profile - diary
starkitten01 profile - diary
incinerated profile - diary
morestories profile - diary
rhythmatic profile - diary
igetit profile - diary
katherinehand profile - diary
puellarina profile - diary
woken up profile - diary
luminescent profile - diary

My favorite music:

mazzy star
tilly and the wall
rilo kiley
nina simone

My favorite movies:

my life without me
before sunrise
little voice
waking the dead
the happiness of the katakuris

My favorite authors:

michael ondaatje
anne sexton
frank o'hara
catherine bowman
francesca lia block

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last updated: 2015-07-30 19:30:45
this user's total entries: 292
user since: 2001-03-11

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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