Simply... Sara


My name is Sara Jane... a gal who likes to live simple, yet has a shot of 100 proof Life coursing through my veins. I tend to travel a bit on the wild side. I am living with my soul mate of 11 years officially. (We're FINALLY to be married in September of '05!!!) I am the oldest child of what was 7. I work as a Quality Control Technician in an automotive type factory... which I just love. (Put a bunch of male perverts together, and throw me in for good measure, and you are due to find spontaneous combustion... and then some. WOOHOO!)

On July 21,04- I had a RNY Gastric bypass surgery done that almost killed me. But alas, I am alive and well now. It has been a struggle- but I made it. I am now living proof that if you can conquer your fears- dreams can and WILL come true!

Thanks for tuning in, Y'all!

My favorite diaries:

AlwaysAnge profile - diary
comments: Ange is a fellow dabbler of dreams and an amazing friend!
Xraygurl profile - diary
comments: A down to Earth woman I can relate with...
Ibepiglet profile - diary
comments: An awe inspiring woman I can relate to
Ergoatlas profile - diary
comments: A man who got under my skin... in a good way
Dangerspouse profile - diary
comments: Absolutely fan-friggin-tabulous! A man who tells it like it is in a funny as all get out kind of way!
Cutielatina profile - diary
comments: A woman I can relate to... in every sense.
Thelastnomad profile - diary
comments: Adam just rocks. :)
AugustDreams profile - diary
comments: A gal who tells it how I like it. And that's the way it is. We are women, hear us purr!
LiquidMojo profile - diary
comments: There's some good mojo goin on in there! And it's all smooooth...

My favorite music:

3 Doors Down
comments: everything they put out makes me wanna bebop
Aretha Franklin
comments: It's a woman thing.
R. Kelly
comments: his music inspires me...
comments: I loved them then and still love them now
comments: his voice moves me...

My favorite movies:

comments: Val can be my huckleberry anyday!
American Pies
comments: Just too damn funny
Blue Collar Comedy Tour
comments: I laughed so hard I wet myself... yes, really.
The Exorcist
comments: best "horror" movie ever made...
Harry Potters
comments: I'm a Harry Potter Fanatic!

My favorite authors:

J.K. Rowling
comments: Where was Harry Potter when I was 12 dammit?
Anne Rice
comments: The Witching Hour (Phenominal!)
James Patterson
comments: Susanne's Diary for Nicholas (MUST READ!)
Janet Evanovich
comments: Stephanie Plum series... funny like you wouldnt believe
Diane Mott Davidson
comments: Catering to Nobody ... a culinary mystery series that's yummy

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last updated: 2006-02-19 15:30:30
this user's total entries: 353
user since: 2002-07-12

AOL IM name: TCGirlie
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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