Taste the Rainbow

I sorta stopped writing here because I'd like to say that I don't have as much free time anymore, but ....I think I just drank the coffee and it screwed with my head. Hello Moto.

Chocolate flavored condoms for everyone!

Feel free to dig into my past :) ENJOY!

My favorite diaries:

unclebob profile - diary
comments: Everyone loves UB...I'm just a goddamn follower
arienettelyn profile - diary
comments: Krammy!!! She either has Conor, penises, or Brandon on her mind!! haha
jwinokur profile - diary
comments: Another new one, but some of his stuff is hilarious...the pictures are great too!!
sexygramma profile - diary
comments: Mine and Krammy's review site...*woop* ...dead for now...and probably forver
slppyschc profile - diary
comments: Dis is NEY...she's a cool cracker from back in my elementary school days!!
realjesus profile - diary
comments: This is Jesus...obviously
rivaldi22 profile - diary
comments: Randy....Krammy's lil bro!
fuckhole profile - diary
comments: mmm get's me wet....
prosti profile - diary
comments: oh man..:P
relena27 profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: Chino WAS a sexy bitch, I lost a lot of respect for him, but whateva...he's still OKAY I GUESS!!
comments: Bippity boppity boo
Nine Inch Nails
comments: Yeah, Trent is an ass too, but he makes nice music!
comments: Because they make me sing!

My favorite movies:

The Shining
comments: No comments...just a good movie
The Crow
comments: So sad, but so good!
Fight Club
comments: I dunno if it's a favorite..but I have some memories to go along with it, so ehhh...
comments: A new favorite...what can I say? SCHMOKE AND A PANCAKE!?

My favorite authors:

David Sedaris
comments: All I hafta say is this guy is hilarious! And gay which just makes it that much better...
Dean Koontz
comments: I used to read his shit all the time...but I haven't in a while. "Whispers" was a really crazy book...read it!
Ken Kesey
comments: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest BAYBAY!!!

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last updated: 2005-02-12 18:13:01
this user's total entries: 320
user since: 2002-11-10

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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