
those things that sparkle and fade. and a whole lot more of daily nonsense...

My favorite diaries:

superunison profile - diary
comments: the boy i lived with also
wintermute profile - diary
hyonmi profile - diary
ricka profile - diary
ewige profile - diary
daidalos profile - diary
teclo profile - diary
deadwoodship profile - diary
rangzen profile - diary
supersiren profile - diary
comments: the really ol' roomie
sph3re profile - diary
rubyk profile - diary
comments: the ol' roomie
rhetoric profile - diary
comments: the not english
geishagirl profile - diary
katpowah profile - diary
galwaygirl profile - diary
comments: the ol' faboo roommie
idiot-milk profile - diary
parabolic profile - diary
comments: a most amazing writer that hates plane museums
dent profile - diary

My favorite music:

pretty girls make graves
red house painters
the books
comments: +serge gainsbourg, yo la tengo, the postal service, dntel, rilo kiley, the one am radio, sufjan stevens...

My favorite movies:

comments: of course. love everything about it, save some of the translation
bon voyage
comments: another great french film
comments: they're all great
pee wee's big adventure
comments: will always be up there
office space
comments: i've actually watched it on my day off.

My favorite authors:

paul auster
comments: moon palace, timbuktu and frequent npr readings.
jeffrey eugenides
comments: middlesex=top ten. easily. great.
tom robbins
comments: yeah, he prolly did a lot of acid, but you really can't beat him. 1/2 asleep in frog pajamas is my favorite, but i've read almost all of his.
gabriel garcia marquez
comments: 100 years of solitude.
banana yoshimoto
comments: kitchen.

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last updated: 2020-01-03 00:59:04
this user's total entries: 307
user since: 2000-08-16

AOL IM name: rka47
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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