Speak Out

A safe place for victims of rape and abuse to share whatever is on your mind through stories, poetry, songs and experiences.

Share your past and present. Share your hopes for the future. We are not what happened to us. We are survivors who are strong, we will not be defeated.

My favorite diaries:

solstice36 profile - diary
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sweetsugar17 profile - diary
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a-splinter profile - diary
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shebreathes profile - diary
dani-n-nick profile - diary
still-i-rise profile - diary
chuffnutt profile - diary
the-wraith profile - diary
persistence profile - diary
galprodi profile - diary
tenaciousnat profile - diary
ancasta profile - diary
bitchedaway profile - diary
chinatea profile - diary
discodoll profile - diary
crazeedevil profile - diary
swollentears profile - diary
fan4 profile - diary
forty-plus profile - diary
fearthefairy profile - diary
rainy-daze- profile - diary
dcalien profile - diary
soppy-sox profile - diary
rachy-rai profile - diary
alonenafraid profile - diary
deathpilot profile - diary
cheshireluci profile - diary
barbie-pink profile - diary
good-lace profile - diary
glassboxgurl profile - diary
bongo282 profile - diary
bttrflychic profile - diary
kinda-boring profile - diary
emz-secrets profile - diary
kpete profile - diary
blueswoon profile - diary
ms-ashlynn profile - diary
ihmx100 profile - diary
wld-orhid profile - diary
nihilistbear profile - diary
onelasttear profile - diary
x-tragic-x profile - diary
evil-obscene profile - diary
griefsolace profile - diary
myfamilysux profile - diary
malistican profile - diary
lovedgirl profile - diary
some1smommy profile - diary
bunny828 profile - diary

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last updated: 2014-11-27 19:03:07
this user's total entries: 148
user since: 2003-01-25

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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