In the Middle

I love to listen to people's problems. I plan to make it a profession...just to add to the passion. I like being sad, and it's better to be sad for others than myself. I cry a lot. Odds are, I want to cry for you too. P.S. I'm also a lot of fun. lol

My favorite diaries:

sultrysound4 profile - diary
comments: she's my Felix, I her Oscar. "I just knew, the way you know about a good melon." haha life is so funny, especially with her around
point-laugh profile - diary
comments: this is the funniest diary you will ever read. guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. possibly some urine on your britches.
notsocharmed profile - diary
comments: Heidi my nice of you to put such kind words in your profile about me ::snicker snicker::
foryourtime profile - diary
comments: You know that kid with whom you always wanted to be great friends and tell all your secrets but never could quite reach? This is his journal.
dipndot profile - diary
comments: love being the middle boob. Don't be sad. Just give me a lil squeeze and I'm so there.
the-n-side profile - diary
comments: someday we'll open up our shop...and it will be wonderful.! Just as long as we can have books and the bathtub. heck yeah.
michael37 profile - diary
comments: I miss you like woah...I'm insane without hearing your voice. Please call me again soon. I need you. My very dear friend all should read. He's quite brilliant in my eyes.
hopesfire profile - diary
comments: I don't know him very well yet, but hopefully that'll happen soon.
whiteoxford profile - diary
comments: his hair makes me melt....ahhhhh
dungeon profile - diary
comments: he's so elegant, alas...he never writes anymore.
yours-4-ever profile - diary
comments: She's awfully sad, I wish I knew what to say....because I DO care.
choosy profile - diary
comments: She's so funny, and she kisses so many boys! (I'm jealous)
enjoyaudrey profile - diary
comments: "It takes two to play this stupid game. Neither of us is winning, so let's discard this boardgame, forget about the rules, and just make out in the backseat of your car."
soi-disant profile - diary
comments: "i wondered if it is as empty living in some teenage sin as it is in purity."
warm-tape profile - diary
comments: Jared, where did you go?
breckenridge profile - diary
comments: "my ex-girlfriends from the 70's" I know that was me, but it reminds me of you and the fat naked people. lol ughh good times
afterwinter profile - diary
inloathe profile - diary
comments: Benny Ben Ben- crazy kid who doesn't write anymore
bleedingisnt profile - diary
comments: she stopped writing....that's so terribly sad.
blatantproof profile - diary
comments: passionate and never depressing....I love reading
faded-spirit profile - diary
comments: I hope we don't have to argue anymore.
justanother- profile - diary
comments: "I went a little lifetime-movie-of-the-week there for a while."
candora profile - diary
comments: "I keep coming back to myself and the child inside who does not follow any rules and will not let anything change my mind about believing in love and the feeling in my heart..."
ohmy profile - diary
comments: I reread an entry from november every once in a while reminding me of why I hate when people smoke.
laura-ly profile - diary
comments: I care for her ohsomuch.
beachbabe143 profile - diary
thesaurus profile - diary
eversleepy profile - diary
fromshadows profile - diary
prfctstrangr profile - diary
countessatay profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Postal Service
Dead Poetic
Death Cab For Cutie
Bright Eyes

My favorite movies:

When Harry Met Sally
comments: "You look like a normal person, but actually you are the Angel of Death"
Silence of the Lambs
comments: So was the pen significant or not?
Fight Club
10 Things I Hate About You
comments: This movie..
NOT Chick Flix
comments: When Harry Met Sally may seem like a chic flick, but really it just has similar elements. It's actually about relationships between men and women and just a lot about sex.

My favorite authors:

comments: maybe He didn't write it, but He inspired it well
Gary Chapman
comments: Which Love Language are you? Such a good book.
Harper Lee
comments: I should read To Kill a Mockingbird again...that was good.
comments: reading over the Apology, Crito, and some of Phaedo again...didn't really get it the first time.
comments: I usually don't remember the author of the books I love. It's a terrible habit

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last updated: 2010-05-17 02:48:43
this user's total entries: 674
user since: 2002-12-18

AOL IM name: lipsequalproof
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: iheartemocore
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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