if you can read this you are not illiterate but I am still not funny.

25 now, new and intersting job, I love anything with wheels, emo and punk music, and smart chicks. I'm from Texas, and damn proud of it.

My favorite diaries:

superpaige profile - diary
comments: my girlfriend, Paige. Sometimes we write about each other, but nothing really specifically. But I love her, so you should too.
rml24601 profile - diary
comments: the kooky adventures of a NY area gal who dosn't update much, but has a lot of funny one paragraph entries
majnoon profile - diary
comments: My good friend Jerry. He's a thorough writer, but not much of a risk-taker.
homox profile - diary
comments: My cousin chuck. Entries guaranteed to shock and amuse.
nanookieny profile - diary
comments: Joann, chucks friend, she is from my hometown too and moved to NYC to live on her own, so you know she's not your typical gal. She's struggling with a lot and very honest in her diary.
and profile - diary
comments: christina from louisiana, she's quirky and a lot like me, so of course I think she's grand.
reamer profile - diary
comments: a good friend of mine, this guy is a trip. he's hard to explain.
subway-thief profile - diary
comments: "and's" other site.
usinclair profile - diary
comments: Dave is a funny mo-fo, fo-sho. Okay, that was lame, but this diary isn't.
absolutewhat profile - diary
comments: amber, a friend of christina's. This is like a real diary, with uncertainty and inner thoughts and all that jazz.
tbonetrav profile - diary
comments: another guy from my hometown
fadein profile - diary
comments: Bill is another funny writer type guy from chicago, who lives with Jonny.
onlyson profile - diary
comments: Clyde. He's been a friend of mine since high school. Man is it strange to remember how long ago that was.

My favorite music:

The Offspring
comments: not typical punk, but they still are to me. they have 5 albums, not just 2 pop hits. listen to the words.
comments: fav. band right now. the name is a play on the word "melancholy" but their music is anything but. Band's swedish, they sing in english but with a cool accent.
comments: Emo band. Emo is punk/alternative/sensitive/angry all at once. They broke up, but released 3 great, rarely heard albums.
comments: A favorite band. Positive message. Layered, complex sound with punk/rap/reggae/rock all in there.
Bad Religion
comments: Over a dozen albums, been around for years, I can't begin to tell you how smart these guys are. Socially Conscious Music. I capitalize that because it's truly that important.

My favorite movies:

comments: Great movie, funny, independent, true. People really talk like that. Nothing extravagant or calculated, yet still groundbreaking.
Chasing Amy
comments: See above comment, same writer/director. Great love story, lots of true stuff, funny.
comments: I'm not a big anime fan, but this movie has style, and lots of it. Motorcycle racing, comic book type stuff, first of it's kind.
American Beauty
comments: Never head it mentioned, but this movie has a transcendentalist theme in there. This film is not sad it is happy, even "beautiful". Valuable moral lesson to be learned here. This movie IS literature.
Fight Club
comments: Hard. Fast. Visceral. This movie is art. It shows you how men think, defies convention, and reminds us we're still animals.

My favorite authors:

R.A. Salvatore
comments: This is 90 percent fluff reading. Lots of buckling-of-swashes here buddy. Fantasy/medieval setting, kickass battle scenes and tons of great characters.
Bruce Lee
comments: I'm not crazy about his movies or martial arts in general, but his philosophy is like no other.
Henry Rollins
comments: A role-model of sorts. His writing is manic, heavy, and sometimes oppressive, but always good and often funny.
comments: The transcendentalists. Influential, brilliant men, way ahead of their time. I find their work useful/uplifting/and honest.
Walt Whitman
comments: Actually a poet, but still a great guy. The happiest,most passionate guy to ever put pen to paper, also a transcendentalist, also intelligent. (See a pattern here?)

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last updated: 2005-04-18 11:02:29
this user's total entries: 323
user since: 2001-04-18

AOL IM name: liefnelson
ICQ number: 7626242
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