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I happen to feel that the degree of a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting attitudes she can bring to bear on the same topic. -- Lisa Alther, Kinflicks, 1975

My favorite diaries:

orangeslush profile - diary
comments: Excellent progress
blue-candy-b profile - diary
comments: Self-love, baby!
perceptions profile - diary
comments: Pure insight, my friends
cubiclegirl profile - diary
comments: I want to be her when I grow up
riot718 profile - diary
comments: Still a princess
ganell profile - diary
comments: My old diary
vintagegurl profile - diary
comments: She's melting, folks (and is going to be tiny when she's finished)

My favorite music:

50 Cent
comments: Gotta love him and his honesty
P. Diddy
comments: Anything Bad Boy (Bad Boy This, Bad Boy That)
Dixie Chicks
comments: hey, I'm a little bit country...
Missy Elliott
comments: She represents for the women and the south
comments: She can sing circles around most others in her age group

My favorite movies:

Love Jones
comments: Love prevails
Color Purple
comments: Oprah and Woopie and Danny, Oh My!
Anything with Sandra Bullock
comments: She's freaking a-mazing
American Beauty
comments: A flying plastic bag. Period
Lord of The Rings
comments: I'm a nut.

My favorite authors:

Toni Morrison
comments: Because I cried and felt hopeful when I read Song of Solomon
John Grisham
comments: Because I live in the south and he was almost my professor
Dean Koonts
comments: Because his books scare the hell out of me
E. Lynn Harris
comments: Writing about a bi black football player...whew
James Patterson
comments: Just because

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last updated: 2004-01-10 15:30:46
this user's total entries: 40
user since: 2003-09-29

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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