doing the five knuckle shuffle on god's bathroom floor.

his heart gets what it needs, from shooting antifreeze.

My favorite diaries:

krslover20 profile - diary
comments: 'No matter how the masses laud you, there will always be that someone who stands up and accuses you of murder.'
shecrafty profile - diary
comments: 'theres a sort of morbid calm that comes with being rejected- like the acceptance of water as you let it fill the lungs.'
kittyspy profile - diary
comments: 'I'm a Pirate Kitty. MEEE-ARRRRRRRRR.'
spikyhead profile - diary
comments: 'i can't face this city alone. if you were there, i would have belted out "i touch myself" in the line at school today, just for shits & giggles.'
miss_modular profile - diary
comments: 'Updates are for pussies.'
tigrrrwench profile - diary
comments: 'make your life a thing of art and everything will be so much more alive that it will hurt your eyes just trying to make it all out'
amy-blushing profile - diary
comments: 'Oh, I'm going to miss working across the street from a trailer park.'
rebelboy profile - diary
comments: 'we are made to bleed and scab and heal and bleed again. '
joanie profile - diary
comments: 'i also noticed earlier today that one of my favorite things is washing my hands in a clean white sink and watching the dirty soap hit it and melt into the drain.'
sogoodbye profile - diary
comments: 'okay maybe i've got to regurgitate, then i'll feel better'
waterstar003 profile - diary
comments: 'i made a big belt buckle out of cardboard that said "Sexy Cowgrrl". '
sodapopx profile - diary
comments: 'something about swinging benches and overcast days seem charming. it feels ok to be alive today. '
catchfire profile - diary
comments: 'but you can't ever stop this fire that burns inside of me.'
lostxinxyou profile - diary
comments: 'im pretty sure this is the part where i say fuck you. where i wave one hand in the air and use the other to blow you a kiss goodbye.'
kittenclaws profile - diary
comments: 'I want to write a beautiful fairy tale about three miserable kids who run away, cruising the interstates forever and ever and never growing old.'
apron11 profile - diary
crushworthy profile - diary
lezbeangrl profile - diary

My favorite music:

The Prima Donnas
The Bangs
The Need

My favorite movies:

Donnie Darko
Hedwig + The Angry Inch
Dancer In The Dark

My favorite authors:

Michelle Tea
Nicole Blackman
Erika Lopez
Lynn Breedlove
Leslie Feinberg

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last updated: 2020-06-15 08:52:19
this user's total entries: 224
user since: 2000-11-21

AOL IM name: GenericVertigo
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Yahoo Messenger name: oh_so_retro
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