2002-05-04 13:10

So, I took an IQ test last night. One of the few dozen junk emails I got was ofr a free IQ test. It says I have a 131 IQ. I have no idea whether that is really any good, but it sounds goo, he he.

I am doing my "day in the life" pictures today. I am going to take a picture of me updating my diary in a sec...

Bryce became the first person to sign up for my mailing list last night. He makes me feel so loved :)

And that bastard Pat (who is probably still asleep) had the birght idea to suggest we drink some jack at 3 am this morning. That bastard, 2 hours later when I was going to bed I was not looking forward to getting up. I am surprisingly clear headed, though I think the back half of my brain has turned to marshmallow....



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