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Today in "Imagining Evolution" we discussed the impracticality of the story of Noah taking two of ever animal on an arc. First of all, new species are discovered daily. Am I to believe that Noah had enough time to oversee the construction of a boat, be ridiculed by just about everyone else on earth, and collect two of every sort of living thing? And what about death? Because things die. Presumably, by taking two of each animal, Noah was ensuring the continuation of that species. But what if Mme Unicorn died on the way over? That could be a problem, no? And what about food? Assuming that Noah did find two of every animal, and that he managed to keep them alive, how was he doing it? Because a lot of animals have very specific dietary needs. Some of those needs involve other animals. So was everyone on a vegan diet?

Okay, I realize that I'm being a bit ridiculous, but that's what was on my mind.
