« 05.23.02 - 3:07 p.m. »

I'm in a funk today for no particular reason.

I'm immensely bored. There's no motivation to do the things I should be doing, so instead, I sit around, play on the computer, and watch entirely too much tv.

Oh, and obsess.

I think it's the obsessing that led me into this lovely funk. I don't know. I know that we're supposed to learn from our mistakes and that's why history is important. But sometimes I really wish that humans had the memory of a gnat or something. That way, our misdeeds and errors wouldn't haunt us.

And it's the little things that bother me the most. The stupid small things that other people have probably forgotten or else never really noticed to begin with.

But yeah, the big things are troublesome in their own way. Those are the things that I don't think about because it always makes me feel bad. And then when something happens to bring them home, to remind me that the issues do indeed exist and haven't vanished simeply because I've refused to think about them, it's just that much more painful.

I hate this. It's beautiful outside. Why can't I be like a normal person and enjoy my life?

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