Eyeshadow for powder.:

At first I couldn't even figure out what the scent was. They made fried chicken. As in, with breading. As in, I can't eat it. Unless I want pain. I guess this is okay. I can live off of, of. I have no idea what I've even been eating lately.

Been watching a lot of movies. Mostly because it requires no brain power, and I currently have no energy.

Recently figured out that I could use an eyeshadow I have (loose, came in a little pot) as powder for my face. It actually looks a good deal more natural than the actual powder I've been using. And makes me paler, as opposed to darker. And gives me the purdiest pale pink shimmer whenever the light hits it. I like it a lot. And can now calm down and be happy after I put on my makeup again. The trials of being superpale. I like it though. Quite a lot.

I've been waking up before or directly after dawn. To accomplish this, I have been going to bed around 7pm. I am a brilliant girl, you see. I have night or day, but never both. I don't know how college students do it.

I talk about sleep far too much for my own good. It's really the only thing I do at the moment, though. When sleep is the most exciting part of your life, you know you have a problem, right?

Oi. My mother is home, so I'm going to stop writing now.

5:01 p.m.
June 19, 2002.
comments? 0.

'Love. Above all things I believe in love.' or 'Even cheap dreams don't stop the rain.'

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