Francesca's Folly

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catching up from LJ 2
2007-03-08 - 3:01 p.m.

Feb. 6th, 2007|12:27 pm]
Yep, got to the gym last night. Upper body work. Yep, got in an exercise DVD this morning before my allergy shots. Yep, it's REALLY cold today. It was 16 when I let Emerson out first thing and it's warmed up to 27 according to Weather Bug on my computer... though I'm in a windowless, environment controlled tiny office in an attic, so really, it's not changing my world much... well, except I have on light grey wool pants, my cuddle dud's top, a turtle neck think pink sweater and a darker grey, double breasted wool jacket on top of that. So, I guess the getting into the office without freezing thing... is continuing to have an impact on my day. I'm toasty warm. :-)

When it's this cold outside, I really want to just not get out of my bed and face a cold bathroom, especially the floor when I forget to put on the slippers I've placed by the bed the night before so I'll trip on them to remind me to put them on and STILL don't get them on my feet. Granted it was 4:30 a.m., but still... the floor is a jolt of cold that wakes me up fast. And who really wants to be awake at 4:30 a.m. anyway? :-) Not me, I assure you.
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[Feb. 5th, 2007|05:09 pm]
Wow. Busy day. Need to go lift and clear my head. Soon. I promise myself. :-)

The weekend was a good one. Friday night was making sure garb and basket were ready for an early start towards University AND a lovely trip to Francesca's for dessert. Yum.

University on Saturday was good. Loads of great people. Some good classes. The contrast between the Viking overview class first thing followed by the Mammen textiles class with it's academic precision was a bit mind bending, but both were right on target for what they were addressing. The History of Cheese was awesome. Love the title Cheese Monger. Great cheeses tasted. Classes with an enthusiastic instructor whose knowledge base is stupendous, prep is good and can handle the variety of opinions and personalities any SCA event can throw at you... are inspiring, not so common and always make me want to improve any classes I teach. I had a good time spranging with Oddny and have almost finished the bag I started with its black diamonds. Julianna's elevation was lovely... she's such a lovely person, how could it not be... such affection and respect of the art she produces... it touched me and I'm so happy for both her and Lucman. I was so glad to be able to have a few moments with her in her vigil to laugh and talk. An honor, really. I got to have dinner with some new friends afterward which was good ONLY in terms of the company as the saloon featured poor service and not so good food. Sigh. Still... I was glad to have gone out to dinner.

Sunday I got to game with Scott and Nia. It's been a long time since we got to do that... even longer since we got to meet at the house in Cary. It was nice. I'm going to miss Ni when she's in Richmond, even if I don't get to see her much now. I was home by dinner time and saw some of the Superbowl, though it really didn't hold my attention. Neither was I up for commercials. Tired, I was.

Sundays generally see me tired... I think some of it is facing another work week. The job stress, volume and bureaucracy, is not light. Lifting Monday night helps so much.

I think I'll wrap it up and go dose myself with gym time.
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[Feb. 2nd, 2007|10:21 am]

You Are a White Rose

You represent youthfulness and purity.

Your vibe: Sweet and heavenly

Falling in love with you: is like falling in love for the first time

What Color Rose Are You?
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[Feb. 2nd, 2007|09:48 am]
H�te-toi de bien vivre et songe que chaque jour est � lui seul une vie.
Make haste to live, and consider each day a life. --Seneca

Doesn't feel like I did that yesterday. Work and couch potato-dome. Nope, nothing accomplished last night other than relaxation and dinner of finger food. Watched Wallace and Grommet, Attach of the Were Rabbit, which is a silly movie and talked on the phone. Started reading an Anne Perry novel based on WWI, which looks to be good. And here I am back at work and reading more. :-)

Tonight = University prep so I can leave early and get to site in time for the start of classes.

Lunch with the Buckston folks who can make it today at Francesca's on Erwin. Will catch the bus up the hill as Ysolt can't make lunch and it's raining. Raining means I feel a bit sleepy and quiet.
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[Feb. 1st, 2007|01:48 pm]
Better day today, even if it's potentially icing outside.

Got my taxes filed last night. First time every in January for me. GO ME!

Did a light circuit of all body parts in the gym last night. 15 reps/15 reps at a moderate weight... not sore today, but certainly feeling much better... especially abs-wise. Whew!

Going home before this stuff really has a chance to freeze over. Will probably be slow going anyway as the snow was starting to stick on the bridge over 85 when I came in, but they do keep saying the temperature's going to rise... OK, show me the upswing, please. Kind a nice that it's so quiet today.

Finished reading the Devil Wears Prada last night. Good book. Very different from the movie, which was interesting.

Wonder if I can get myself to do some sewing tonight... hmmmmm.
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[Jan. 31st, 2007|12:37 pm]
Day 2 of cramps and my inner self is whining that this ISN'T FAIR. WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Focus on something else, dammit.

Well, I have a nice new hair cut... same one, but shorter that it has been. I'd notice that my hair was up every day for work... not good. It's down today. Weeeeeee!

I can pay the bills that have come in... just... this time of year is squeaky tight. Sigh. Good things I can exist on beans and rice. ;-) In fact.. they're comfort food. Heh. Good New Orleans girl.

Today is about work, work, work. Papers, papers papers. Not enough sleep last night. Brain wouldn't shut off. Too many questions, too many avenues to roam around inside my head. Sigh.

Oh, last night was asked to organize a Baroness's Tea at Ymir ... well, haven't done this before, but hopefully with the help of good friends I can pull this off in under 2 weeks, providing her Majesty is good with all this. Hate to bug her when I know life is so busy. Sigh.

Randomness seems to have set in. Thinking I'll get back to the work, work work. Onward.
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[Jan. 30th, 2007|12:59 pm]
Ok, so was home in sinus hell yesterday. Back at work today and it's crazed. Wanted to stop in, however, to say...

I am officially/clinically no longer obese on the BMI scale.


at 169, my BMI is now just in the overweight category and I cannot tell you how happy that makes me.

It also means I met this join of WW's 10% goal, so happy dance for that, too.

It was a 3.2 lb loss for this weigh in.


Not sure what's up with KA&S. They asked guilds to display ages ago and repeatedly, then recently asked us to e-mail with space requests and are now telling me that there is no specific guild space to be allocated. It's catch as catch can when you show up as to how much space you can have and the guilds get to share space with whatever discipline they're representing, so in Arachne's case all fiber arts including the Embroidery guild I imagine. Huh? Why ask me then? And... why treat it like it's a single artisan's request for space? Huh? You guys asked me ... more than once ... and frankly, it's a lot of time and effort to do the whole guild display thing ... and if there isn't even possibly going to be space... why would I spend all that time getting it all together again? For those interested... I've declined, so anyone looking for Arachne's Web, will just have to find me and chat about lace with me one on one, which I'm totally happy to do, but I'm not doing all the work and hauling, etc. if there aren't even a couple of tables on the other end waiting for it all. KA&S doesn't specifically need the Guilds to display... shoot the first one was a raging success without anything more than space for competitions and a room for active displays. It's not like my day isn't already full of tugs and pulls to talk to various artisans, catch up on who's doing what and spend some time looking at stuff so I can answer polling and requests for opinions intelligently, get by the odd vigil and all in a one short day period of time.


Well, I missed yesterday at work, so gotta get on with it... remembering that moving one piece of paper at a time is how it all gets done.

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[Jan. 26th, 2007|03:56 pm]
Lunch was good... friends are wonderful.... giant hugs, y'all.

Forgot to mention the pants I have on today at work ... grey wool... are a size 12 from so long ago. I forget when I actually acquired them. They fell at my feet when I was rummaging in my closet for a scarf to put on my neck this morning, like someone was reminding me to try them on.. AND THEY FIT.

Warmth was called for. 20 degrees on my back deck when E-dog went out this a.m.

I also got out my cuddle duds and ... they're baggy.


This afternoon my boss sent out the tentative floor plans for where our office is currently possibly moving to in April... and if things hold... I should have a window.... actually be able to see what the day is like from my office... oh please, oh please, oh please let that come true. I miss sunlight. A lot.
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[Jan. 26th, 2007|11:53 am]
Snow Cat's LJ about Twiggies made me think of the novel I'm about finished reading.... The Devil Wears Prada. I confess I I saw the movie first... Meryl Streep being a favorite actress, plus she graduated from my alma mata (Vassar) and gave the commencement speech the year after I graduated (she lucked out and it wasn't my year when we all graduated in the RAIN... clearest memories for me not being the speech but rather the red dye running out of the person in front of me's hood and my maintenance worker friend carrying me over the 6" deep mud so I didn't loose the white sandals I was wearing as I tried to walk back up the hill with my newly received REAL diploma in hand (who the freak hands out real diploma's in the rain?). side tracked... seems to be my modus operandi today... Anyway, the book spends a lot of time on designer clothes and the size 2 to 0 people who wear them, the cost and the idiocy surrounding them. Good book. Not much thinking involved. With my job... really, I don't want so much thinking in my reading in the evening as I want escapism from details and brain fatigue from the repetition of the same thoughts over and over and over...

Actually, I go through cycles... I read a lot in spurts and then I go into non-reading, just hand projects mode. Currently I'm reading novels and really would like to get a few things done for Ymir... going to make a stab at that this weekend. Gloves, taking in apron, start chemises.

Hey, talked to the Ni last night and... CONGRATULATIONS on your new job in Richmond. I'm sad you're moving away, but it is totally outweighed by my joy for you getting such a better job and your enthusiasm for the new live coming your way in March. I know how much you like Richmond and it's not so far away that I won't see you.
Go you!! I am so very proud of you, sister of my heart. And I'm looking forward to seeing you at Ymir.

Who's coming to Ymir? la Curiosa would love to know. It's my nature, after all. I'm thinking it a lot today, 1) because it's something fun to look forward to, mostly I enjoy Ymir because of the people I get to see, not necessarily the climate that can inflict itself upon the body, and 2) it's bloody cold here today and .... that reminds me of Ymir. :-) I should be fine with all the wool I've accumulated to wear... just please, please let it not involve wet, damp, moisture. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr. (Discomforting images in my head of MoLing several years in a row that massive heavy list... and not being able to move about much ... which makes it doubly cold and exhausting (I don't really remember receiving my GD because it was in the middle of a 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. MoL day) and also of Ragnar's vigil where I did the food with Nia and it RAINED all day long - love the Nar but that was not the most fun I've ever had, and I seem to remember Keigan's elevation left him with pneumonia from his damp experience at Ymir) I've managed to sign up to have my day shade on the heavy list and hope to see masses of people on the day. If it is cold, I'm thinking hot cocoa would be a good thing to have going all day. Please stop by.

But first will be a day trip to University. Need to look at classes. Hmmmm.

And before that... it's Friday, so lunch at Francesca's with Buckston folks. yay!

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