Put Your Feet Up

im done talking to TY (Friday, Jan. 08, 2010)

I realized the other day that a male friend of mine TY suddenly won�t come within 6 feet of me� and every time I come through the p-ways (hallways) he takes off � real busy like. I thought it was all a coincidence until last night. I was sitting in the library with a friend of mine-Ruth and TY walked by. My friend pointed him out to me- and said ��ooh there goes your little friend Ty!� he stopped in the doorway and reached his hand out to me- as if to try to reach me from 8 feet away. I said to him; �How come you never come by and visit the office anymore?� and he just stammered out- oh- I just- cant- come close to you�60 more days- Hun 60 more days�umm yeah� and then he jogged off up the stairway. And Ruth said- �that was weird�� and I totally get it now why suddenly he won�t come within 6 feet of me.

He means we come home off of deployment in 60 days and that�s when he can have sex again. Crazy. It kind of makes me sad that I am having that effect on him, so much so that we can�t even say hi- or high five in the P-way. So I decided in my rack last night- that I will not speak to him any more. That is I will not initiate conversation.

So today I was outside painting a bulkhead and Ty came by to talk trash to the other people I was painting with. I turned around and looked at him, and went back to painting the wall. Normally I would have said hi to him, but not anymore.

So I�m really sad and mad. Too bad I have this effect on him.

In other news my friend Ben emailed me to let me know he�s been to busy to hang out. That�s so funny because this whole ship is only like 500 yards. And I just don�t see him for a week? This place is so small! And he actually had to email me to let me know this. I told him of our plans to go out in Jebel Ali and do our new years over; hopefully he�s down for all those shenanigans. He told me will hang out this week underway and catch up.

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