delectableb's Diaryland Diary



I finally got the courage talk too Lee. I wish i hadn't though, she flipped or on me for the Better part of an hour and is now sitting in the bathroom crying. It was suppose to be a good night for its, instead w ate right back to where we always seem to end our night; fighting. =(

How do you explain something to someome and really get tgem to juat see things from your own perspective? Ive always had a natual knack for it, but with Lee, its quite the opposite. At firt it was no problem, Lee gently answered my questions, and then i asked wrll, how did ya'll fuck, and it was like a mini explosion happened before my very eyes. I miss you Jackson, I wish I could come home =(

9:06 p.m. - Monday, Jan. 26, 2015


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