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May 26, 2006 - 2:15 p.m.

What are your wings made out of? (AWSOME ANIME PIX!!!!!)

Your wings are made of iron.You are tough and stand up for what you beleive in. You don't back down easily, and can be pretty stubborn. You don't let anyone play with your emmotions or hurt anyone you love. You would rather die for one of your friends then see them get hurt. Your one of those true friends that not all people have.
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I really like who I am here ....All I want is to be strong through this and to make a friend

What Fairie are u? (with pics)

Moon FaerieYour a dreamer and long to be somewhere else.You like to can use magic better than any other faerie.
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I believe in magick(yes I spelled it right) I believe that life is what you make of it and that magick's the only belief that works only with your faith

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